Analysis of the Adhesive Interface of a Self-Adhesive Resin Cement
C.A. WIEDIG, R. HECHT, G. RAIA, M. URBAN, M. LUDSTECK, and S. HADER, 3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany | Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to provide
deeper insights into the adhesion mechanism of the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX™ Unicem
(RXU) to tooth
substance. Methods: Composite blocks (Paradigm MZ100) were cemented
with RXU Aplicap (both 3M ESPE) to human dentin (ground with
grit wet SiC paper followed by rinsing with water-spray and gentle air-drying) under
standardized pressure (20g/mm2) simulating the
clinical situation. The specimens were cured (light and self cured according to
manufacturer's instructions), stored for 24h at 36°C,
100% rel. hum. and 3d in water, sectioned, etched (HCl 32%, 30s) and
subsequently treated with NaOCl (³4% active chlorine, 120s) and dried
in ethanol. The interface RXU-dentin was investigated by FE-SEM (LEO 1530VP,
Zeiss) and elemental analysis by EDX (energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy,
INCA 300, Oxford). Results: RXU was shown to penetrate the smear layer forming
an intimate contact to dentin including the formation of resin tags. Resin tags
could not be dissolved demonstrating an efficient polymerization of RXU in
contact with the dentin smear layer and in the tubuli. Elemental analysis
confirmed the microscopic observations detecting RXU specifically at the dentin
surface and in tubuli. Conclusion: The self-adhesive resin cement RXU penetrates
the dentin smear layer and forms
resin tags. The unique initiator chemistry leads to efficient polymerization of
RXU under these special interface conditions. This contributes to the good
adhesive performance observed for RelyX Unicem to dentin.
| Seq #70 - Cements 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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