The Maxillofacial Growth after Maxillary Distraction in cleft patients
K.P. NALABOTHU, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India, and E. LIOU, Changgung memorial hospital, Taipei, Taiwan | Objectives:The main purpose of this study is to measure the relapsed percentage after distraction until growth is completed and also to evaluate the maxillary and mandibular growth after distraction until growth is completed and also to compare maxillary and mandibular growth between distraction osteogenesis patients and untreated patients with cleft. METHODS:The subjects were divided into two groups. The first group had consecutive 16 growing patients with cleft who had hypoplastic maxilla underwent maxillary advancement using RED appliance. The second group consisted of consecutive 21 growing patients with cleft who had hypoplastic maxilla and did not undergo any treatment served as controls. Cephalograms were taken at different intervals of time and were superimposed on sella and cranial base structures and all movement of the landmarks were measured RESULTS:The first group who had distraction osteogenesis had significant maxillary growth at ANS by 7.66 mm and at A point by 9.04 mm and at upper incisors by 11.4 mm at CVM 5 or 6 stage. The distraction osteogenesis group had significant maxillary growth and dental change compared to the control group. CONCLUSIONS:In growing patients we should consider about the possibility of having more relapse percentage compared to adult patients. Although with this technique we had 30-35% relapse, but compared to untreated patients with cleft,the Distraction osteogenesis group still had more favorable horizontal maxillary growth and dental change at the end of puberty | Seq #248 - Epidemiology and Treatments of Cleft Lip / Palate and Speech Disorders 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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