Loading influence with heterogeneous periodontal ligament representation in upper incisor
A.C. FREITAS JÚNIOR1, E.P. ROCHA1, P.H. SANTOS1, C.-C. KO2, M. MARTÍN JÚNIOR1, and C.M. ARCHANGELO1, 1Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil, 2University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA | The data about the loading influence on the periodontal ligament (PDL) behavior modeled with beam elements are unclear. Objective: This study evaluated the loading influence on a maxillary central incisor with the PDL modeled with beam3 elements by 2-dimensional finite element analysis. Methods: Two models (MA and MB) of a maxillary central incisor were built varying the PDL fibers representation: MA (homogeneous PDL) and MB (heterogeneous PDL – beam3). The von Mises stress (svM), the principal stress in tension (smax.t) and compression (smax.c) and displacements were determined for 3 distributed loadings (L) after the numerical analysis (ANSYS 10.0): L1 – 50N in the lingual face, in 45º with the tooth long axis; L2 – 50N perpendicular to the incisal edge; and L3 – 50N parallel to the tooth long axis. Results: L3 provided the smaller svM in the tooth and support structures when compared to L1 and L2. For L1, the svM (MPa) in the MA was 93.1% lower than that for the MB, and 280% lower for the L2. The PDL representation influence on the svM was small in L3. Conclusions: The oblique loadings provided different stress and displacement patterns in the heterogeneous PDL and probably incompatible with the “in vivo” condition. (FAPESP 2006/02336-2) | Seq #217 - Outcomes Studies and Biological Prosthodontic Research 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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