Influence of ceramics Young's modulus in single implant-supported crowns
A.C. FREITAS JÚNIOR, E.P. ROCHA, P.H. SANTOS, M. MARTÍN JÚNIOR, E.O. ALMEIDA, and C.M. ARCHANGELO, Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil | When cemented, the implant-supported crowns have provided a more uniform stress distribution to the support structures. However, the influence of different metal-free ceramics systems in the stress distribution at the adhesive interface is unclear. Objective: To evaluate, through two-dimensional finite element analysis, the stress distribution at the interface abutment/crown for two ceramics systems for implant-supported crowns (IPS Empress2 and Procera AllCeram). Methods: Two models (M) were built: MA – sagittal view of the maxillary central incisor area restored with IPS Empress2 on zircon abutment; MB: similar to MA, restored with Procera AllCeram. The numerical analysis (Ansys 10.0) was performed under two loading conditions (L): L1 - 50N in the lingual face, in 45o with the tooth long axis; L2 - 50N perpendicular to the incisal edge. The von Mises equivalent stress (svM) and the principal stress (smax) were obtained. Results: The loading pattern did not influence the peak of the svM for the same ceramics system. However, the svM were different for individual structures, such as the adhesive interface for the IPS Empress 2. The same behavior was observed for smax. The L1 showed the highest svM and smax in comparison with the L2. Conclusion: Restorations with lower elastic modulus showed higher stress when placed on abutment with higher elastic modulus. (FAPESP 2006/02336-2) | Seq #182 - Maxillofacial and Implant Prosthodontics 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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