Sealing potential of a self-adhesive fissure sealant
J. PERDIGAO, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, and A. SEZINANDO, University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal | Objectives: To test the null hypothesis that phosphoric acid
does not improve the sealing ability of a new self-adhesive fissure sealant.
Methods: 15 extracted molars stored in 0.4% chloramine T for 1 month were
cleaned with pumice and randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=5): (1) Enamel Loc
(ELOC, Premier Dental), a self-adhesive sealant applied as per manufacturer's
instructions; (2) Enamel etched with 35% H3PO4 for 15 sec
followed by the application of ELOC; (3) Enamel etched with 35% H3PO4
for 15 sec followed by the application of Clinpro (3M ESPE) as the control
group. Teeth were thermocycled for 1,000 cycles (5-55oC), isolated
with nail polish except for the occlusal surface, left in 50% ammoniacal silver
nitrate for 24h at 37oC, then photo-developer for 8h. Each tooth was
sectioned BL in four 1.0±0.2 mm thick slices. Silver infiltration was measured
under a digital stereo microscope at X20 in rankings from 0 (no silver
infiltration) to 3 (silver infiltration to the full fissure depth). Further
analyses were carried out with backscattered FESEM. Medians (M) were analyzed
with nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney and Median tests, P<0.05, superscript
letters). Results:
| Group 1 -ELOC | Group 2 – H3PO4 + ELOC | Group 3 – H3PO4 + Clinpro | Leakage Ranks | > Median | 17 | 7 | 1 | <= Median | 23 | 33 | 39 |
Group 1 (ELOC) resulted in significantly deeper silver
infiltration into the enamel fissures than Group 2 (P<0.003) and Group 3
(P<0.0001). Group 2 resulted in statistically deeper silver penetration than
Group 3 at P<0.02. Conclusions: The null hypothesis was rejected. Phosphoric
acid etching improved the sealing ability of the new self-adhesive sealant.
| Seq #107 - Resin Cements/Luting Agents and Other Restoratives 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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