Deflection of cast titanium induced by laser surface treatment
P. NEWTON, and I. WATANABE, Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA | Objectives:
To investigate the effect of voltage, spot diameter and treatment method on the
deflection of cast titanium plates surface-treated by Nd:YAG laser. Methods: Cast
titanium plates (3.0 x 20.0 x 0.5mm) were prepared using the Ticast titanium casting
system. After the cast plates were air-abraded with 50mm alumina, one side of plates
were laser-treated by a dental laser unit (Neolaser L, Girrbach) at voltages of
150V and 200V and spot-diameters of 1.0mm and 1.5mm. Laser treatment underwent
two different (50% overlapped and non-overlapped) methods to the entire surface
of each plate. Deflection was measured as the height (mm) of curves when the
plates were seated on a flat plane. Deflection data (n=5) were analyzed by
3-way ANOVA. Results: Statistical analysis demonstrated significances for each
factor; Voltage (p=.000, F=186.4), Spot-diameter (p=.000, F=39.4) and treatment
method (p=.003, F=10.6). Decreasing the spot-diameter (1.5mm > 1.0mm) and
the number of laser spots (Overlap > Non-overlap) decreased the value of
deflection for each voltage. Increasing the voltage also decreased the
deflection values (150V > 200V) for each spot-diameter and treatment method.
Conclusion: The results of this study suggested that the higher voltage and
smaller spot-diameter to concentrate laser energy could minimize the deflection
of surface-treated cast titanium. Supported in part by the Baylor Oral Health
| Seq #190 - Cast Titanium and Wrought Alloys of Titanium, including Ni-Ti 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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