Biochemical modification to the dentin collagen improves bond strength
A. AL-AMMAR1, J. DRUMMOND1, and A.K.B. BEDRAN-RUSSO2, 1University of Illinois - Chicago, USA, 2University of Illinois, Chicago, USA | Type I
collagen is a major component of the hybrid layer, and improvement of its mechanical
properties may be advantageous during bonding procedures. Objectives: To
investigate the effect of three different cross-linking agents (Glutaraldehyde
[GD], Grape seed extract [GSE], and Genipin [GE]) on the dentin tensile bond
strength (TBS). Methods: 64 sound human molars had their occlusal surfaces ground
flat to expose dentin. Dentin surfaces were etched using a phosphoric acid gel,
rinsed, and the teeth were randomly divided according to the dentin treatment: Control
group, 5% GD, 6.5% GSE and 0.5% GE. Teeth were kept in their specific
solutions for 1 hour and later restored either with One Step Plus (Bisco) or
Adper Single Bond (3M ESPE) adhesive systems. Composite resin was used to build-up
a crown incrementally. After 24 hours, teeth were sectioned into 0.7±0.2
mm thick slabs and then trimmed at the interface to produce a cross-sectional
surface area of 1.0 mm2. Samples were tested in tensile (EZ
Graph) at a crosshead speed of 1mm/min. Data
were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD tests (p< 0.05).
Results: TBS values [MPa (SD)] are:
Adhesive systems | Treatment | Control | GD | GSE | GE | Pooled data | SB | 33.38 (6.79) | 68.96 (3.91) | 71.06 (14.59) | 43.70 (8.23) | 54.27a (8.38) | OS | 44.13 (8.23) | 65.46 (8.06) | 74.40 (10.08) | 34.80 (4.09) | 54.70a (7.61) | Pooled data | 38.75C (7.51) | 67.21B (5.98) | 72.73A (12.33) | 39.25C (6.16) | | Different letters indicate statistically significant differences. |
There was a significant interaction
between treatments vs. adhesive system (p< 0.001). Treatments affected TBS
(p< 0.0001) while no differences were observed between the adhesive systems
(p = 0.6961). Conclusions: The use of GSE and GD increased the TBS, regardless
of the adhesive system. This in vitro study demonstrates that modification
to the dentin matrix improves the bonded interfaces properties. Supported by NIH-NIDCR#
| Seq #105 - Interface 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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