A.L.P. RANIERI, S.M.C.P. JALES, G.G.S. FORMIGONI, F.S. AL"E, S.M.A. TAVARES, and J.T.T. SIQUEIRA, Faculdade de Medicina do Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of an intra-oral appliance for OSAS in a large teaching hospital. METHOD: 20 patients were evaluated and treated: 12 men and 8 women, at the average age of 45,72 years old. The criteria of inclusion was a light or moderate apnea hypopnea index (IAH) according the polysomnography and the patients were treated with the monobloco intra-oral appliance. They were submitted to new polysomnography after 60 days using such appliance. An orofacial clinic evaluation was carried out through the RDC/TMD questionary and by clinical questionnaire of the Orofacial Pain Team, before and 60 days from the setting of the intra-oral appliance. RESULTS: The IAH showed a decreasing (of 17,65 to 7,20 events/hour) statistically meaningful (p=0,002), minimum oxygen saturation of 83,1 to 84,75 (p=0,09), and somnolence scale of Epworth of 10,64 to 7,14 (p=0,001). Four patients did not show improvement. The most common side effect during the use of the appliance was pain and facial discomfort (35%), without miofascial or TMJ pain according the RDC/TMD questionary. CONCLUSIONS: There was a meaningful reduction of the apnea hypopnea index during the studying period through the use of the monobloco intra-oral appliance. The patients did not show antecipated miofascial pain or after the 60-day period using the intra-oral appliance. |