Can Ricketts' Cephalometric Analysis be Applied to Black Males
E.R. RICHARDSON, Center For the Study of Human Growth and Development, Nashville, TN, USA | Ricketts' Analysis is used extensively. Many analyses have been developed to predict growth and development of Whites and few if any on Blacks. Objectives: To use the standards developed to assist in diagnosis including growth prediction in Whites and determine what adjustments have to be made to use the analysis to aid in diagnosis when treating Black Males. Methods: Measurements were made on 40 cephalograms of Black Males from Richardson's growth sample in Nashville. The ages ranged from 6-16 years. Ricketts' Analysis uses Facial Axis, Facial Angle, Mandibular Plane, Palatal Plane, Maxillary Convexity, Lower Incisor edge to APo Plane, Upper First Molar to Pterygoid Vertical, Interincisal Angle, Lower Lip to Esthetic Plane and Bend of Mandible or Corpus Axis. The means and standard deviations were calculated and then compared with the means of Whites from Ann Arbor using a t-test. Inferences were made about similarities, differencies, and modifications needed to facilitate use of this analysis on Black Males. Results: Facial Angle, Palatal Plane and Maxillary Convexity were not different statistically. All other factors were statistically differet at the 2% confidence level and must be modified for use on Black Males. Conclusions: The Ricketts' Analysis can be used to aid in diagnosis of Black Males. Some standards must be modified. There are many similarities in the faces of Black and White Males. This important research should be continued if we are to reduce the disparities in access to health care. This study was supported in part by USPH Grant # DE 02862. | Seq #214 - 2D and 3D Craniofacial Imaging and Analyses 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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