website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1729  

Comparision of Microhardness of Different Kinds of flowable Composites

M. BARGRIZAN, A. GHASSEMI, and F. GHOLAMI, Shahid Behshti Medical Sciences-Dental School, Tehran, Iran

Objectives: Comparison of microhardness of different kinds of flowable composites and the comparison between the highest hardness of this composites and hardness of an hybrid composite.

Methods: In this study six specimens of four type flowable composites ( Grandio flow(voco), Filtek supreme Xt(3M), Tetric flow(ivoclar), Wave(SDI)) and one type hybrid composite(Z100) were used. Curing time was 40 seconds with a high power LED light curing unit (SDI) (out put: 1500 mw/cm2 ). After 24 hours , Vickers hardness measurements on top and bottom surfaces of each specimen were made and the bottom/top Vickers hardness (B/T VHN) was determined. Microhardness of two surfaces in each group was compared by paired T-test and then statistical comparisons were made with in groups using ANOVA and Bonferroni test.

Results: Microhardness of Z100 is higher than flowable composites and between flowable composites Grandio flow microhardness is higher than the others (67% of the Z100). Microhardness of top surfaces were higher than lower surfaces but this difference except from Filtek supreme was not significant.

conclusion: The highest microhardness among flowable composites belongs to Grandio flow although the others have good specification in aspect of microhardness

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