Tooth wear of anterior teeth during and after orthodontic treatment
M.A.R. KUIJPERS, University of Geneva, Switzerland, S. KILIARIDIS, School of Dentistry, University of Geneva, Switzerland, A. RENKEMA, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Netherlands, E.M. BRONKHORST, University Medical Centre Nijmegen, Netherlands, and A.M. KUIJPERS-JAGTMAN, UMCN, University of Nijmegen, Netherlands | OBJECTIVES: to study occlusal wear of anterior teeth in patients treated orthodontically and retained with different types of retainers until 5 years post-treatment and to study if type of retention influences occlusal wear METHODS: 226 consecutive orthodontic patients from the Orthodontic Department, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, aged 15 years maximally at start of treatment, without dental trauma, replacements or agenesis were followed until 5 years post-treatment. Two types of lower retainers were used: a lingual retainer bonded on all anterior teeth or on canines only. In the maxilla a retainer bonded on all six teeth or a removable retainer was used. Dental casts were analysed before treatment (Ts), after treatment (T0) and five years post-treatment (T5). Crown wear of incisors and canines was scored at the three stages applying a grading scale. Intercanine width, overjet, overbite were measured with an electronic calliper. Statistics: Paired sampled t-test for differences over time; Pearson correlation coefficients for associations between wear and retention type; backward linear regression for influence of retention type on occlusal wear. RESULTS: During all time periods there was an increase in wear and for all teeth males showed more tooth wear than females. From Ts-T5 gender and maxillary retention accounted for 11% of the changes in canine wear. Increase in lower intercanine width also had an influence on canine wear (T0-T5). Incisal wear was associated with increase in lower intercanine width (T0-T5), type of maxillary retention (Ts-T5) and type of mandibular retention (T0-T5). In the mandible more incisal wear was found in patients with a C-C retainer bonded on canines only. In the maxilla more wear was found in patients with a removable retainer. CONCLUSION: Gender, retention type and occasionally increase in intercanine width influence occlusal wear of anterior teeth after orthodontic treatment. | Seq #101 - Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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