Effects of essential oils-containing mouthrinse in the “one-stage full-mouth disinfection”
S.C. CORTELLI1, F.O. COSTA2, R.Z. REBELO1, A.S. SONAGERE1, M. HOLZHAUSEN1, and J.R. CORTELLI1, 1Universidade de Taubate, Taubaté, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil | Objective: the present study reports the clinical results of a 6 months study randomized double-blinded clinical trial design to evaluate the long-term clinical effects of an essential oils-containing mouthrinse as the adjunct active agent in the “one stage full-mouth disinfection” protocol. Method: At Baseline, a trained and calibrated examiner measured periodontal pocket depth (PPD), Plaque index (PI) and Modified gingival index (MGI) of all teeth of 43 subjects with mild to moderate periodontitis. The subjects were randomized into two groups: 1) Test (EO): Full-mouth scaling and root planning and use of an essential oils-containing mouthrinse (Listerine® CoolMint®), and 2) Control (C): Scaling and root planning and placebo. Scaling and root planning was performed in two consecutive visits, combined with extensive intra-oral use of essential oils or placebo. For the following 60 days, all subjects rinsed with the assigned rinse twice a day for 30 seconds. Clinical parameters were evaluated at Baseline (T0), 3 months (T1) and 6 months (T2), and analyzed using Student-t tests and ANOVA. Results: There were no significant differences between groups on the clinical parameters at baseline: PI: EO=2.11, C=2.12; MGI EO= 2.74, C=2.52; PPD EO=3.51; C=3.52). At 3 months, higher plaque and gingivitis reductions were observed among those who used the essential oils rinse (PI: EO=0.48, C=1.23; p<0.0001; MGI: EO=0.47; C=1.39; p=0.0000). The differences remained the same at 6 months (p=0.0001). The intra-group analysis revealed that the EO group showed reduction in PD; however it was not statically significant different from control. Conclusion: In a 6-month study the Essential oils-containing mouthrinse showed efficacy in reducing plaque and gingivitis, as the complimentary active agent in the “one stage full-mouth disinfection protocol”. This indicates that an essential oils-containing mouthrinse could be an adjunct to periodontal therapy, to help prevent plaque and gingivitis and keep the entire mouth clean. | Seq #306 - Malodor, Dentifrice, Rinses 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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