Push-out strength of resin cements to radicular dentin
M. COUTINHO1, A.A. LEME2, A. INSAURRALDE1, P.M.C. SCAFFA3, and R.T. LIMA4, 1Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal Mato Grosso Do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil, 3Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru - USP, Brazil, 4University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA | Debonding is the main failure factor related to the use of resin cements for luting fiber posts. Objectives: This in vitro study assessed the bond strength of resin cement/fiber post systems to the radicular dentin, regarding different radicular thirds, after one and nine months. Methods: Forty single-rooted human teeth were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n=10), according to variables under study: storage time (1 and 9 months) and resin cement (RelyX ARC/3M-ESPE and UNICEM/3M-ESPE). Conic-shape and smooth surface glass fiber posts (DC White Post/FGM) were luted to the roots and covered with a coat of resin composite TPH (Dentsply) to seal the cervical surface. Specimens were stored inside a light-proof container in humid sponge at 37°C during one (G1 and G2) or nine months (G3 and G4). Roots were transversally sectioned in 3 slices (2mm thick), corresponding to the cervical, medium and apical thirds used for the push-out test at 1mm/min at Kratos Universal Testing Machine. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by Kruskal-Wallis and Friedman test (p<0.05). Results: There was no difference among thirds within the same group (p>0.05). There was significant statistical difference between both cements but regarding period of storage (p>0.05). At one month, the cervical (p>0.05) third was similar for both materials; the best outcomes were achieved by UNICEM at medium (p=0.013) and apical (p=0.006) thirds. At nine months, UNICEM showed higher outcome than ARC in all thirds, i.e. cervical (p=0.019), medium (p=0.0007) and apical (p=0.0006). Conclusions: The Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement (UNICEM) showed higher bond strength to push-out test when compared to Adhesive Resin Cement (RelyX ARC) and their bond strength were not influenced by the storage time. FUNDECT/CNPq 02/2006PPP - # 23/200-084/2007 | Seq #70 - Cements 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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