PCR DGGE to Unmask Streptococcus mutans in Endotrach Biofilms
J.G. THOMAS1, D.W. WILLIAMS2, S.J. HOOPER2, S. MALIC2, and S. CAIRNS3, 1West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA, 2Cardiff University, United Kingdom, 3University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom | OBJECTIVE: Mounting evidence is highlighting the importance of oral flora as a reservoir of pathogens historically associated with ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Here, using PCR and DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis), we wanted to unmask the genetic diversity in the plaque-like matrix, we called Bio-Plaque, while incorporating non-culture technique to better define the Viable, But Non-Cultivable (VBNC) flora. It was our hypothesis that Streptococcus mutans would act as an early colonizer forming the initial step in the co-habitation of other oral flora in the ETT. METHODS: 20 endotrachs were recovered from ICU patients at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff. Sampling included the physical removal of the biofilm within a defined area of the endotrach lumen. Quantification of cultable organisms (aerobic, anaerobic and yeast) was achieved using a Spiral Plating System while molecular detection was accomplished using DGGE, following 16S RNA amplification of a 200 base pair target. DGGE marker controls included: dental plaque, Strep mutans, Staph aureus and P. gingivalis. Eighteen clinical parameters were recorded. RESULTS: Traditional culture yielded two/three organisms/ETT bioburden/cm2 independent of Early (<5 days) vs. Late (>5 days) in length of mechanical ventilator (MV). One-third yielded Candida independent of LOS. PCR-DGGE yielded a minimum of three recognized strains and a maximum of 17, also, independent of length of MV. However, Strep mutans colonization was detected in 8/14 Early ETT MV while only 2/6 Late MV by DGGE; none by culture. Staph aureus, E. corredens and P. gingivalis were the other viable isolates. CONCLUSION: Strep mutans is a frequent organism in the diverse microbiota of colonized luminal endotrachs (Bio-Plaque) suggesting significant importance in Early co-colonization of oral origin . | Seq #310 - Streptococci B 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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