The Relationship of Psychosocial Disorders to Bruxism in Male Adolescents
K. ESFAHANIZADEH, Tehran Islamic Azad School of Dentistry, Iran, S. FERDOSI, Shahid Behshti University of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran, N. VALAEE, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, and H. BAYRAMI, Islamic Azad dental school, Tehran, Iran | Objectives: Bruxism is a diurnal or nocturnal parafunctional habit.Etiology of bruxism has remained controversial and some believe that psychological factors may play a major role in promoting and perpetuating this habit .The aim of this case-control study was to assess the existence of an association between bruxism and psychosocial disorders in adolescent males. Methods: Participants were chosen among 250, 12-14 year-old students (boys). They were divided in to bruxers and nonbruxers, on the basis of both validated clinical criteria and interview . Few participants were excluded on the basis of systemic disorders,TMJ disorders ,other oral habits, primary teeth, defective restorations and premature contacts. Following matching of two groups in regard to parent's age and education, status of child support, mother's employment, socio-economical and mother's marital status, 25 cases and 25 controls were enlisted. A self report validated questionnaire (YSR 11-18 yr) was completed by both groups for evaluation of 12 psychosocial symptoms. Fischer exact test and T-test were used and Odds Ratio and Confidence Interval was estimated Results: Remarkable differences in certain psychosocial aspects were found between the two groups. Prevalence of Thought (P<0.002), Conduct (P<0.04) Anxiety(p<0.001)and ADHD (P<0.01) disorders was significantly higher in bruxers. Significant differences between the two groups emerged in total YSR scores (P<0.005). Odds Ratio revealed that a bruxer has 12.7 times greater probability for psychosocial disorders than a non-bruxer. Conclusion: Support to the existence of an association between bruxism and psychosocial disorders has been provided. | Seq #17 - Bruxism: Associations, Measurement, and Treatment 2:15 PM-3:45 PM, Wednesday, July 2, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 705 |
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