Bonding Silorane to Dentine
P.D. BRANDT1, F.A. DE WET1, and I. DU PREEZ2, 1University of Pretoria, School of Dentistry, South Africa, 2UNIVERSITY OF LIMPOPO, MEDUNSA CAMPUS, Pretoria, South Africa | Objective: An in vitro study to determine the dentine shear bond strength of five self-etching bonding systems to the Silorane composite and the dentine shear bond strength of the Silorane adhesive system to 3 different composites. Methods: 80 Recently extracted third molar teeth were mounted in acrylic resin. The occlusal surfaces were exposed and ground to expose superficial dentine. A standardized smear layer was created by polishing with wet 600-grit SiC paper. Products evaluated were the bonding systems Adper Silorane adhesive system (ASA, 3M/ESPE), Xeno V (XV, Dentsply), Adper Scotchbond SE (ASS, 3M/ESPE), Adper Easy Bond (AEB, 3M/ESPE) and One Coat 7.0 (OC, Coltène Whaledent) and composites Filtek Silorane (FS, 3M/ESPE), Filtek Z100 (Z100, 3M/ESPE) and Filtek Supreme (FSUP, 3M/ESPE). The bonding agents were applied according to manufacturer's instructions. Firstly, 10 stubs each of the Silorane composite were bonded with the 5 bonding agents and in the second part of the test the Silorane adhesive system was used to bond 10 stubs each of the three types of composite. The bonds were stressed to failure with an Instron testing machine, operating at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data was statistically analysed (Anova). Results: The mean SBS (MPa) were: The Silorane composite to bonding agents - ASA 17.8±7.1 ; XV,ASS,AEB,OC - no bond,failure during removal from bonding jig.The Silorane adhesive system to composites - FS 17.8±7.1; Z1OO 17.4±3.1; FSUP 17.3±4.4 Conclusion: The only bonding agent successful in bonding Silorane to dentine was the dedicated Silorane adhesive system. The Silorane adhesive system did however bond all three composites to dentine with no statistical difference in bonding. Further research on the long-term stability of these Silorane bonds still need to be done. | Seq #183 - Composite/Endo/Others 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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