website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1400  

Antibacterial effect of a new toothpaste formulation on experimental gingivitis

T.M. AUSCHILL1, G. PERGOLA1, A. SCULEAN2, E. HELLWIG1, and N.B. ARWEILER1, 1Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.Brsg, Germany, 2Radboud University Nijmegen, Medical Centre, Netherlands

Objectives: It was the aim of the study to evaluate the clinical and antibacterial effect of dentifrices containing Univestin/stannous (U) vs. a placebo (P) using an experimental gingivitis model. Methods: In this double-blind, prospective, parallel and randomized, clinical study, 40 subjects (20 per group) who meet the inclusion/exclusion criteria received a complete prophylaxis and a 3-day hygiene period. Then the volunteers discontinued all oral hygiene measures for 4 teeth using a shield (while they could brush the other teeth normally) and treated the four non-brushed teeth twice daily the assigned toothpaste slurry for 21 days. At days 0, 14 and 21, plaque samples were taken from the teeth, were streaked on a microscope slide and stained with two fluorescent dyes (fluorescein diacetate and ethidium bromide) to evaluate the vitality of the plaque sample (VF in %) using an image analysis program to discriminate green (=vital) and red (=dead) bacteria. Results:


Placebo (P)

Univestin (U)


P vs. U


70.92 ± 7.86

71.02 ± 7.33

0.967; n.s.


83.08 ± 5.18

79.80 ± 6.99

0.100; n.s.


83.06 ± 6.55

73.14 ± 9.39

<0.001; ***






Statistical analysis performed by ANOVA (level of significance p≤0.05)

Conclusion: A significant effect of the new toothpaste formulation on vital flora was seen only after 21d.

This study was supported by Colgate-Palmolive, Piscataway, USA.


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