Accelerometric Analysis of Jaw Opening-Closing Cycles
I. PELIVAN1, I. MICHIELI2, A. DUBRAVIC2, A. CATIC1, M. VALENTIC-PERUZOVIC1, J. VISKIC1, I. ALAJBEG1, and D. ILLES1, 1University of Zagreb, School of Dental Medicine, Croatia, 2"Rudjer Boskovic" Institute, Zagreb, Croatia | Objectives: The dynamics of mandibular movement is determined by physiology as well as pathophysiology of all parts of masticatory system. The objective of this study was to examine if dynamics parameters in healthy subject can be determined from accelerations measured at the mandible during opening-closing cycles at predefined cycle's rate. Methods: This study included 19 healthy subjects (10 male and 9 female) without any signs or symptoms of temporomandibular disorders. Accelerations were measured by tri-axial MEMS wireless acceleration sensor (G-LinkTM, Microstrain, USA) with range of +/-10g and freely selected sweep rate of 1 kHz. Sensor was mounted on chin using Velcro® tape. Acquisition of acceleration data was performed during jaw opening-closing cycles with cycle's rate of 1.25 Hz. By means of accelerometric data averaged vertical jaw acceleration and velocity were calculated. Results: Acceleration and calculated respective vertical velocities demonstrate smooth, repetitive and distinctive patterns of mandibular movements. There is no significant difference (p>0.05) of acceleration and velocity values (36.8±1.8 cm/s) during opening and closing movements within and between subjects, respectively. Conclusion: Acceleration and velocity during mouth opening-closing cycles demonstrate repetitive and distinctive dynamics' patterns. Accelerometric analysis represents a simple and unique method for acquiring specific dynamic data of mandibular movement which can be used for determining physiological as well as pathological dynamics' patterns. Supported by MoSES. Project No. 065-0650448-0957 | Seq #316 - Neuroscience/TMJ Posters V 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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