Microrheological measurements of polysaccharides from Streptococcus mutans biofilms
S. DUARTE1, F.C. CHEONG2, S.-H. LEE3, and D.G. GRIER1, 1New York University, USA, 2New York University, New YORK, USA, 3University of California - Berkeley, USA | Polysaccharides from Streptococcus mutans are one of the extracellular matrix' main components in dental biofilms, providing them with bulk and structural integrity. The insoluble-polysaccharides are also responsible for the adherence of S. mutans and other bacteria to the tooth surface, resulting in the establishment of a cariogenic dental biofilm. The presence of this biofilm, together with specific factors, is implicated in dental caries. Although disrupting the polysaccharide-pellicle would greatly reduce the incidence of caries, comparatively little is know regarding the physical properties of these biofilms. Objective: Measure the viscoelastic properties of soluble- and insoluble-polysaccharides from S. mutans biofilms by holographic microrheology. Methods: S. mutans UA159 (ATCC700610) polysaccharides samples were extracted from 5 days-old biofilms formed on glass slides in 10%-w/v sucrose. Water-soluble-polysaccharides were extracted with MilliQ water at room temperature. Insoluble-polysaccharides were extracted with 1N-NaOH at 37º C. The samples were neutralized to pH-7.0±0.5 and precipitated with cold ethanol (75%-v/v) overnight. The samples were dissolved in water(water-soluble) or 1N-NaOH(insoluble) to form gels used in the microrheological measurements, using three-dimensional holographic particle tracking. Nanometer-resolution video-rate holographic tracking of embedded colloidal spheres provides accurate measurements of the gel's complex-viscoelastic-moduli, including insights into these properties' heterogeneity. Results: The results suggest that water-soluble- and insoluble-polysaccharides have complementary roles in establishing the biofilms' mechanical and biological properties in vitro. The dynamic viscosity of Insoluble falls off with frequency, a signature that the gel is shear thinning. In the Water-soluble fraction, the dynamic viscosity is independent of the frequency. The Insoluble-type appears better suited to play the role of the mechanical scaffold within which the biofilms' bacteria colonies establish their ecosystem. Conclusion: Holographic microrheology applied to biofilms' polysaccharides shows promise to high-throughput combinatorial screening of candidate therapeutic or remedial agents against dental caries, offering direct insight into these agents' influence on the biofilms' physical properties. (NSF#DMR-0606415) | Seq #141 - Biofilm 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 713B |
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