Storage influence on castor oil biopolymer compressive strength
L.A.P. PINELLI1, L.M.G. FAIS1, J. CABRINI1, D.G. GUAGLIANONI1, S.C. NETO2, and G.O. CHIERICE2, 1São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil, 2São Paulo University, São Carlos, Brazil | Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare the compressive strength of an experimental polyurethane dental luting agent derived from castor oil (PUCO) with the compressive strength of a resin cement (PanaviaTM - control group) after storage in acid and ionic solutions. Methods: Sixty PUCO and 48 PanaviaTM specimens (6mm x 12mm) were prepared and divided in 2 groups according to storage time (G1-24hs or G2-90 days) and also to the storage solution (A-distilled water, B-chloride of sodium or C-lactic acid). The cements were manipulated in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and poured into a Teflon matrix. The specimens remained under a constant load at 37oC and 100% relative humidity of the air for 1h. They were polished and stored in their respective solutions for the determined period. Compressive strength was performed in a MTS-810 machine (10kN at 0.5mm/min). The data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis or two-way ANOVA tests (a=0.05). Results: The compressive strength means in MPa were: PUCO- G1A – 16.77±2.47; G2A – 3.20±0.75; G1B - 13.10±2.95; G2B - 2.94±0.29; G1C - 16.14±5.68; G2C - 6.66±1.47; PanaviaTM- G1A – 204.39±28.84; G2A – 131±23.70; G1B - 188±19.29; G2B - 120.53±35.46; G1C - 192.33±23.77; G2C - 134.97±20.73. The compressive strength of both cements was negatively influenced by the storage time (p>0.05) independently of the kind of solution (p<0.05). Conclusions: It was concluded that PUCO compared with the resin cement had an inferior compressive strength. The storage time was a negative factor for the evaluated property. | Seq #74 - New Cements and Bonding to Tooth Structure 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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