Effect of Thermocycling on Bond Strength of Amalgam to Dentin
M.C. LEHNHOF, N.Z. BABA, F.A. BERRY, and H. LU, Loma Linda University, CA, USA | Objectives: To evaluate the effect of thermocycling
on several of the available amalgam bonding systems to determine which system
would provide the best bond to dentin.
Methods: Four bonding
agent systems were used. The bonding systems included AllBond 2 Primer A&B
with Panavia 21 (Bisco and Kuraray), AllBond 2 Primer A&B with Prebond
& D/E Resin (Bisco), Optibond All-in-one and NX3 DC (Kerr), Scotchbond
Multi-Purpose Plus (3M ESPE). The Amalgam material used was Valiant PhD-XT
Eighty extracted third molars
were used. The teeth were sectioned mesial to distal and one half of each tooth
was embedded in acrylic. Dentin was exposed, polished with 320-grit SiC
sandpaper. All bonding systems were used following manufacturers' directions.
Size #1 copper band was used in an Ultradent jig to allow the amalgam
condensation on the prepared dentin surface (n=20). Half of the specimens in
each group were kept in water at 370C for 24-hour and another half
were stored for 24-hour water and 500 thermal cycles between 5°C and 55°C. The
shear bond strength was determined using an MTS mechanical tester at a
crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min.
Results: The test results (in MPa) are
| AllBond Panavia | All Bond prebond resin | OptiBond AIO | Scotchbond MP Plus | 24-hour storage | 3.6(0.9) | 6.7(1.6) | 6.4(2.5) | 6.5(1.0) | Thermal cycling | 15.4 (4.7) | 13.3 (3.0) | 18.2 (5.8) | 15.1 (4.9) |
2-way ANOVA test showed that test
condition had significant influence on the bond strength of amalgam to dentin,
while bonding system and the interaction between the bonding system and the test
condition didn't.
Conclusion: Thermal cycling for 500 cycles significantly
increased the bonding strength between amalgam and dentin.
| Seq #69 - Bond Durability 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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