website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 0058  

Possible effects of IgG immune complexes on RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis

M.P.A. MAYER1, G. GIRO2, K. OUHARA2, X. HAN2, M.A. TAUBMAN2, and T. KAWAI2, 1University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA

Deposition of IgG immune complexes can result in inflammation and tissue damage, but little is known about the role of IgG-immune-complexes (IgG-ICs) in periodontopathogenic bone resorption.

Objectives: The goal of this study was to determine the possible role of IgG-IC on RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis.

Methods: To determine if pre-osteoclast cells express Fc receptors, bone marrow cells (BMC) from C57BL/6 mice were treated with M-SCF and/or RANKL. After 3 days of incubation, expression of CD11b, CD14, CD16/32 or CD64 on BMC was analyzed by flow cytometry. BMC isolated from mice deficient in the Fc receptor common γ-chain (FcRγ-/-) and FcγRIIB (FcγRIIB-/-), and wild-type mice, were cultured with recombinant M-CSF, and/or sRANKL, in the presence or absence of immobilized or soluble IgG isotypes. TRAP activity, indicative of osteoclastic differentiation, was determined by an enzymatic assay in a 7-day culture.

Results: CD11b+/CD14+ cells, which represent pre-osteoclasts, were found in a higher percentage of BMC treated with M-CSF (11.19%) than non-treated cells (0.34%). Expression of CD16/CD32+ (FcγRIII/FcγRII) or CD 64+ (FcγRI) on CD14+ cells was induced in M-CSF treated cells (1.39% and 7.42%, respectively) compared to non-treated (0.18% and 1.80%, respectively), indicating the induction of FcRγs on osteoclast precursors by M-CSF. TRAP activity was significantly higher in wild-type mouse BMC stimulated with immobilized IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 (Kruskall Wallis, p<0.05), as well as soluble IgG2a (p<0.05). Such IgG-isotype-mediated increases of TRAP activity were not seen in BMC from FcRγ-/- or FcγRIIB-/- mice, except immobilized IgG3 in FcγRIIB-/- BMC, which showed increased TRAP activity. Conclusion: Based on expression of Fc receptors on pre-osteoclasts, abundant osteoclastogenic activity after stimulation of wild-type BMC with IgG-ICs and loss of IgG-IC-induced osteoclastogenesis in FcRγ-/- mice, we conclude that IgG-ICs increase osteoclastogenesis triggered by RANKL in periodontal lesions. Support by DE03420, DE18310 (NIH/NIDCR).

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