The PAR Index for orthodontic patients treated by postgraduates
T. SHINO, N. SHIINA, R. KATSUMURA, K. KAWABATA, Y. KIKUCHI, K. INAMORO, A. NEZU, E. MOTEGI, and K. SUEISHI, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan | Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of satisfaction concerning the treatment in 28 patients who treated by 7 postgraduates training course in the department of Orthodontics, Tokyo Dental College from 2004 to 2006. Methods: This survey was performed by the questionnaire using the PAR index. The subjects consisted of 11 males and 17 females, average age was 20 years 6 months (14 years 4 months to 49 years 11 months). They also consisted of Class I in 13, Class II in 7 and Class III in 8 by Angle classification. The patients answered satisfied(SA), moderate satisfied(MO) and not satisfied(NS) for 18 questions. Results: With regard to the questionnaire items after treatment, all patients answered that it was good that they had undergone the treatment (SA). They also satisfied their occlusion (90.2%:SA) and facial appearance (81%:SA). However, it was found that 57.1% of the patients minded their visible appliances during treatment. It was found that almost patients were concerned about the relaps (33.3 %:MO+38.1%:NS). The patients of Class I malocclusion did not care their teeth brushing very much during and after treatment comparing with Class II and Class III patients(p<0.05)with m x n chi square test. There was no other significant difference among three malocclusion group. Conclusion: These findings indicated that it is necessary to reduce the patients' complaints of treatment and also important to perform treatment for the improvement of patients in the orthodontic education of postgraduates. | Seq #228 - ERG and BEHSR 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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