Serum folate in dissatisfied complete conventional dentures wearers
H. GJENGEDAL1, A. LAVIK2, M.K. MALDE2, L. DAHL3, E. BERG1, and T.A. TROVIK1, 1University of Bergen, Norway, 2National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES), Bergen, Norway, 3National Institue of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES), Bergen, Norway | The reduced chewing ability of denture-wearers tends to interfere with food selection. Solid foods like fruits and vegetables may therefore be avoided. However, some patients may supplement their diet with these food items by altering their social and eating habits. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to report on serum folate as a marker for intake of fruit and vegetables in dissatisfied complete dentures wearers and the association between serum folate and socio-medical characteristics of denture-wearers. Methods: 49 edentate subjects with objectively acceptable complete dentures, but who were subjectively dissatisfied with their mandibular dentures, were recruited for the study. The subjects were psychologically stable, in general good health and with acceptable oral hygiene. Main outcome measures were serum folate (n=38), perceived oral health (Oral Health Impact Profile - OHIP-20), General well-being (WHO Five Scale Psychological General Well-Being Schedule – GWBWHO), Coping (Brief Approach/Avoidance Coping Questionnaire - BACQ). BMI (Body Mass Index) was calculated. Results: The mean age of the participants was 66.2 yr (sd 7.0, range 46-77 yrs), 57% females. 67% reported avoiding certain food items related to their dentures, most mentioning various fruits and vegetables. More women then men reported mouth dryness (50% vs. 31%, p=0.032). Mean serum folate was 12.6 sd 8.6. OHIP-20 scores were very high (61.5 sd 23.3), BACQ and GWBWHO scores were slightly increased, 40.4 sd 4.4 and 12.0 sd 3.5, respectively, compared to the general population. Conclusion: When adjusting for age, gender, general health and BMI, a multiple logistic regression analysis showed no significant association between serum folate and characteristics describing dentures wearers (“avoiding food items”, “dry mouth”, OHIP-20). Preliminary results indicate that the group of edentulous subjects studied does not completely avoid eating fruit and vegetables although they report reduced chewing ability. Supported by the University of Bergen (Grant no 140001-240045). | Seq #198 - Nutrition Research Posters 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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