website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 2736  

Resolvin-E1 and Lipoxin-A4 Control Pro-inflammatory PMN Functions in Diabetes

A. KANTARCI1, A. BLACKWOOD1, H. HASTURK1, C.N. SERHAN2, and T.E. VAN DYKE1, 1Boston University, MA, USA, 2Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-derived resolvin-E1 (RvE1) and aspirin-triggered lipoxins (ATL) are endogenous pro-resolving molecules in inflammation. Diabetes is characterized in part by hyperactive PMN that mediate inflammatory changes associated with diabetic complications. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to characterize RvE1 and ATL actions on PMN superoxide production in healthy and diabetic individuals. METHODS: PMN from diabetic patients (n=15) and healthy controls (n=14) were isolated. ATL (a metabolically stable analog; 15-epi-16-phenoxyparafluoro-LXA4) and RvE1 were prepared by total organic synthesis. PMN were first treated with different doses (10-6-10-13M) of ATLa or RvE1 and then challenged with fMLP (10-6M) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α; 50ng/ml). Superoxide formation was monitored using a cytochrome c reduction assay. RESULTS: PMN from diabetic subjects generated significantly more (3-6 times) superoxide compared to healthy individuals (p<0.05) in response to fMLP or TNF-α. Treatment of healthy and diabetic PMN with ATLa or RvE1 dampened the superoxide response up to 90% in a dose-dependent manner (EC50: ATLa: 10-10M and 10-9M for healthy and diabetic PMN, respectively; RvE1: 10-10M for both diabetic and healthy PMN). PMN from poorly-controlled diabetics (HbA1c>8.0%) had significantly higher superoxide generation compared to PMN from well-controlled subjects (HbA1c<7.0%; p<0.05); both ATLa and RvE1 equally dampened the superoxide release in diabetic PMN regardless of the glycemic control. Likewise, PMN from diabetics with moderate-severe periodontitis had significantly higher superoxide release compared to subjects with gingivitis-mild periodontitis (p<0.05); but the PMN response was dampened by ATLa or RvE1 regardless of the chronic periodontitis. CONCLUSIONS: RvE1 and ATLa, two distinct lipid mediators generated from 2 different fatty acid precursors, arachidonic acid and EPA, elicit similar responses from diabetic PMN dampening their inflammatory actions. Thus, RvE1 and ATLa are potential new therapeutic options in resolving PMN-mediated inflammation and tissue injury in diabetes. Supported by USPHS Grants DE15566 and RR00533.

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