website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 0303  

Clinical performance and fit of a milled ceramic crown system

D. NATHANSON1, F.A. AL-HARBI2, and Y. WHITEMAN1, 1Boston University, MA, USA, 2College of Dentistry King Faisal University, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia

Objective: To assess marginal accuracy and clinical performance of a new lithium-disilicate crown system.

Method: A new all-cermaic crown system (e-max cad, Ivoclar) based on a lithium disilicate milled coping veneered with porcelain, was assessed for marginal accuracy and clinical performance. A total of 14 volunteers were treated with 31 crowns (23 anterior, 8 posterior) by two operators. All crowns were cemented with resin cement (Multilink, Ivoclar). Before placement, all crowns were evaluated for marginal accuracy on their respective dies at 4 aspects (M,D,F,L) under a measuring microscope. Subjects were recalled for observation after 6 months and at yearly intervals. Restorations were evaluated for clinical fit and appearance at time of placement. Recall evaluation parameters included: marginal fit, appearance, retention, gingival health, porcelain fractures, plaque retention, marginal decay, pulpal problems (requiring RCT).

Results: Mean in-vitro marginal fit was 67.92 (+/-25.2) µ. Clinical fit was ranked Alpha for all restorations. 3 anterior single crowns required re-fabrication for improved color. 17 restorations (55% of all) were evaluated at 2-3 yrs. Only one (posterior) restoration fractured after requiring RCT through the crown. A list of # of restorations at last recall and findings is shown below.   

Last recall

6 months

12 months

24 months

36 months

# of crowns





Adverse findings

1 RCT,

1 fracture

   Conclusions: The new crown system tested exhibited excellent fit and appearance at time of placement. Except for one posterior restored tooth requiring RCT and subsequent crown fracture (3.2% of total crowns), no adverse findings were noted throughout the recall process so far.

(This study was supported by a grant from Ivoclar)

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