website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 3392  

Lys-Pro-Gln, a novel cleavage site specificity of saliva-associated proteases

E.J. HELMERHORST, X. SUN, E. SALIH, and F.G. OPPENHEIM, Boston University, School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA

Proteolytic activities in whole saliva (WS) fluid have been well documented and are believed to be in part attributable to the non-glandular contributors to whole saliva. In our previous studies investigating the whole saliva peptidome, a remarkable and consistent cleavage activity was observed C-terminal to glutamine residues, which are abundantly present in proline-rich proteins (PRPs). In basic PRPs, the tripeptide Lys-Pro-Gln appeared to be a preferred cleavage site. Aim: To determine the kinetic parameters of the apparent glutamine endoprotease activity in WS using selected synthetic substrates. Methods: Two paranitroanilide (-pNA) derivitized peptides, Lys-Pro-Gln-pNA and Gly-Gly-Gln-pNA were synthesized, and the kinetics of their hydrolysis in pooled WS supernatant was followed spectrophotometrically at 405 nm at 37oC. Using the Lys-Pro-Gln-pNA substrate, the pH optimum for enzymatic activity and inhibitor profiles were also determined. Results: The overall Km values for Lys-Pro-Gln-pNA and Gly-Gly-Gln-pNA hydrolysis in WS supernatant were 97 ± 7.7 µM and 611 ± 28 µM, respectively, confirming glutamine endoprotease activity in WS and the importance of the amino acids in positions P2 and P3. The Vmax values for both substrates were similar (1.8 µmol.l-1.min-1) indicating that the same enzymes could be involved in the proteolysis of both substrates. The pH optimum of Lys-Pro-Gln-pNA hydrolysis was 7.0, and the activity could be partly inhibited by serine- and metallo protease inhibitors, but not by cysteine protease inhibitors. Conclusion: The present study, employing artificial enzymatic substrates, supports our previous observation that glutamine endoproteases are characteristic enzymes among the proteases present in WS. Supported by NIH/NIDCR Grants DE05672, DE07652, and DE16699.

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