website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1817  

Polymerization Shrinkage Stress in Composite-resin Restorations Associated Liner/base

L. OLIVEIRA1, S. DUARTE, Jr.2, C. ARAUJO3, and A. ABRAHAO3, 1Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA, 2State University of Sao Paulo, Araraquara, Brazil, 3Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of liner or base materials under composite-resin restoration to reduce the stress resulting from polymerization shrinkage and loading. Methods: Four groups were assigned: G1) Control - composite-resin restoration (Z250-3M ESPE); G2) 0.5mm flowable-composite liner (Filtek Flow-FF, 3M ESPE) + composite-resin restoration (Z250); G3) 0.5mm resin-modified-glass-ionomer liner (Vitrebond-VT, 3M ESPE) + composite-resin restoration (Z250), and G4) Base with resin-modified-glass-ionomer (VT) + composite-resin restoration (Z250). The study was divided in three phases: Photoelasticity (P1), Tensilometry (P2) and Finite Element-FE (P3). P1 - Photoelastic models (n=7) for all groups were used to determine polymerization shrinkage stress. The Maximal Shear Stress (tmax) was calculated along adhesive interface and statistically analyzed (ANOVA, Tukey's, p<0.05). P2 – The polymerization shrinkage stress was determined using a tensilometer. The materials (M1-Z250, M2-FF e M3-VT) were inserted into 2mm space, between two dentin bovine cylindrical bases, which one was connected to a load cell (n=7). Results were statistically analyzed (ANOVA, Tukey's, p<0.05). P3 - The polymerization shrinkage stress resulting from phases P1 and P2 were used to create a 2D FE model in combination with occlusal loading. Loading conditions: I - vertical (occlusal surface/60N); II - lateral (buccal cusp/30N); III - lateral (lingual cusp/30N). Von Mises-se, Tangencial-st and Normal-sn stresses in bonded interface were calculated. 

Results: tmax in Phase P1 were G1<G2<G3<G4 (p<0,001). Polymerization shrinkage stress in Phase P2 were M1<M2<M3 (p<0,001). FE analysis (se, st and sn) in Phase 3 showed higher stress in adhesive interface after loading. The maximum stress value found for adhesive interface were G1<G2<G3<G4.

Conclusions: Using a liner or base material under composite-resin restoration is not likely to reduce the effects of stresses produced by polymerization shrinkage or loading.

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