Water Influence on Fracture Toughness of Fibre-Reinforced Composite
D. WEICHHOLZ1, J. BRUCKNER1, D. GOBER1, K. FUNG1, M.S. WOLFF2, and L. XU1, 1State University of New York - Stony Brook, USA, 2New York University, USA | Fibre-reinforced composites (FRC) have been successfully utilized in dentistry for many years. Researchers reported the pre-impregnated fibre-reinforced composite significantly resists a higher load than the regular composite. The stability of the material in water is unknown. Objectives: This study was to compare the fracture toughness of two commercially available fibre-reinforced composites before and after water treatment. Methods: Two control groups (n=10) and four testing groups (n=20) of the FRC were fabricated following the manufacture's instruction. The samples were classified as: (1) EM (b or a: before or after water treatment): EverStic (StickTech Ltd/Finland) embedded with 3M composite (3M-ESPE/Germany); (2) ES (b or a): EverStic embedded with Sculpture® composite (Jeneric/Pentron Inc, Wallingford, CT ); (3) FS (b or a): FibreKor® embedded with Sculpture® composite; and (4) FM (b or a): FibreKor® embedded with 3M composite; (5): Sb: Sculpture® composite; (6): 3Mb: composite. All samples were fabricated in the same size (2x2x14mm) using a single template and tested by a Minature 3 point Bend Fixture on an Instron 5566 (Canton, MA). The control and "a" groups samples were immersed in water for three month at 22oC before testing. Impregnation of fibres with composite was examined under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The means forces at flexure were calculated and statistically evaluated utilizing ANOVA. Results: There was significant decrease in fracture strength after water treatment in every sample group: EMb (6.31±1.3), EMa (1.34±1.2); ESb (6.57±0.9), ESa (2.63±0.7); FSb (4.9±0.7), FSa (3.52±0.4); FMb (2.6±0.6), FMa (2.63±0.6); (p≤.05). The fracture strength after water treatment is stronger than the control group 3Ma (0.93±0.6), Sa (0.89±0.9). Conclusion: Water directly influences on fracture toughness of two commercial available fibre-reinforced composite. It significantly decreases the fracture strength of fibre-reinforced composite. Fibre-reinforced composites are stronger than the same composites without fibre reinforcement. | Seq #112 - Wear and Biomechanics of Materials 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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