Use of 3-Dimensional Culture Chambers for Osseous Tissue Engineering
J. BOEHRS1, R. ZAHARIAS2, D. SEABOLD1, J. LAFFOON2, Y.J. KO1, and G. SCHNEIDER2, 1University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, USA, 2University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA | We have previously demonstrated enhanced aggregate formation and accelerated mineralization of human preosteoblastic cells when cultured in 3D-rotary wall vessel chambers. Objectives: The hypothesis of this study was rotary wall vessel culture chambers can be used to engineer osseous tissue. Methods: Human preosteoblastic cells (HEPM, ATCC 1486) were cultured in rotary wall vessels for up to 7 days. Aggregate size was measured; mineralization and collagen expression was detected using Von Kossa and Masson Trichrome stain; and immunohistochemistry was used to detect BSPII and osteopontin. Scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis, and micro-CT was used for structural comparison, 3D reconstruction, and evaluation of relative mineral density. PCR was used to detect BMP2. Results: Calcium expression correlated to cell number (P<0.01). Calcium, collagen, BSPII, and osteopontin were detected throughout the aggregate. SEM and micro-CT analysis showed similar microscopic structural patterns within the aggregates. Progression of mineralization in 3D cultures was evident by 3 days as shown by micro-CT. A uniform ring of dense mineral on the outermost surface with an amorphous pattern of mineral within the aggregate was noted starting at 3 days. Interestingly, this expression of mineral correlated to the expression of BMP2. Indeed, BMP2 expression peaked at 3 days when mineralization was occurring as seen in micro-CT. By 7 days when mineralization appeared complete, BMP2 expression was significantly reduced. No BMP2 expression was noted in the control 2D tissue cultures. This demonstrates that 3D-rotary wall vessel cultures can be used to enhance osseous tissue engineering methods. Conclusions: These results suggest that we are engineering small volumes of bone from preosteoblasts cultured 3-dimensionally in rotary wall vessels. These methods may someday translate clinically into use for repair of small intraoral osseous defects with engineered osseous tissue. This work was supported by NIH/NIDCR R21-DE016677-01 (GS) and a 2007 AADR Student Research Fellowship(JB). | Seq #285 - IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - Junior Category 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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