website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #156 Friday, July 4, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 711, Oral
Clinical Trials/Systemic Effects of Treatment/Local Anesthetics
Chairpersons: J.B. PAYNE and I. NEEDLEMAN
1556    Effects of periodontal treatment in women with preeclampsia
J. HERRERA1, S. VELEZ-MEDINA1, R. MOLANO1, V. MEDINA1, J.E. BOTERO1, B. PARRA2, and A. CONTRERAS1, 1Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 2universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia
1557    Periodontal therapy alters systemic inflammatory mediator levels
J.H. BEHLE1, R. DEMMER2, M.H. SEDAGATHFAR1, D. WOLF1, R. CELENTI1, M. HERRERA-ABREU1, E. LALLA1, and P.N. PAPAPANOU1, 1Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY, USA, 2Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, USA
1558    Serum Bone-Resorption Biomarkers: Correlation with Alveolar and Systemic Bone Changes
J.B. PAYNE1, J.A. STONER2, H.M. LEE3, P.V. NUMMIKOSKI4, R.A. REINHARDT1, R. VALENTE5, and L.M. GOLUB3, 1University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, Lincoln, USA, 2University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA, 3Stony Brook University, NY, USA, 4University of Texas, San Antonio, USA, 5Arthritis Center of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
1560    Allocation Concealment and Examiner Masking on Magnitude of Clinical Outcomes
J. FENWICK, I. NEEDLEMAN, and D.R. MOLES, UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, England, Uk
1561    Effectiveness of a Local-Anesthesia-Gel in Periodontal-Maintenance-Patients: A Multi-Center-Evaluation
C.E. LOWDEN, S.H.M. TERMAAT, M.J. WICHT, and M.J. NOACK, University of Cologne, Germany
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