1:45 PM-3:00 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster |
Late-breaking News |
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| 3579 | Effect of bleaching agents on inorganic components of human enamel H.B. PINHEIRO1, K.G. COSTA2, E.B. KLAUTAU3, B.M.H. SILVA1, and P.E.C. CARDOSO1, 1University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil, 3Federal University of Pará, Belém, Brazil |
| 3581 | Radical-based Visible-light Initiator System with Extensive Dark Cure Potential D. KIM, and J.W. STANSBURY, University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, USA |
| 3580 | WITHDRAWN |
| 3582 | Levels of Cariogenic Microorganisms and Oral Conditions of Asthmatic Children F.B.A. FERREIRA, M.P.J. BOTELHO, K.B.P. FERNANDES, C.C. DEZAN, L.M.C.P. PINTO, L.K. CHIMENTÃO, and A. CERCI NETO, Universidade Norte do Paraná, Londrina-PR, Brazil |
| 3583 | Calcium and Stress Regulate cia Operon Expression in Streptococcus mutans C. WU, C. CHEN, D. ADJIC, J. MERRITT, and F. QI, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA |
| 3584 | Chemopreventive Effects of Black Raspberry Gel on Oral Epithelial Dysplasia S. MALLERY, and J. ZWICK, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA |
| 3585 | Ikarisoside A inhibits osteoclastogenesis by reducing iNOS and NF-kB Y. SOH, and H.J. CHOI, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea |
| 3586 | Periodontal Disease Differentially Alters the Compressive Responses of Periodontal Fibroblasts A.R. EL AWADY, K.H. WENGER, and C. LAPP, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA |
| 3587 | Fluoride and enamel permeability in vivo S. CHERSONI1, A. BERTACCI1, M.G. GANDOLFI2, F. IACONO1, F.R. TAY3, D. PASHLEY3, and C. PRATI1, 1Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy, 2Center of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, University of Bologna, Italy, 3Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA |
| 3588 | Implants Osseointegration in Bone Defects Treated with Latex Angiogenic Protein M.F.M. ARNEZ1, P.E. FARIA2, W.F. PEDROSA1, T.R. CUNHA1, S.P. XAVIER1, J. COUTINHO-NETTO3, and L.A. SALATA1, 1Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto of University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 2Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil, 3Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto of University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil |
| 3589 | hdrM regulates competence and mutacin production in Streptococcus mutans T. OKINAGA, and J. MERRITT, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma city, USA |
| 3590 | Epistatic Analysis of Genes Involved In Streptococcus mutans Mutacin Production I. HUANG, C. WU, and F. QI, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA |
| 3591 | Silorane-dimethacrylate bond: effect of different adhesion primers A. TEZVERGIL-MUTLUAY, L. LASSILA, and P. VALLITTU, University of Turku, Finland |
| 3592 | Identification and characterization of the irvA repressor in Streptococcus mutans G. NIU, and J. MERRITT, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA |
| 3593 | Regulation of humYR by a transcriptional activator in Porphyromonas gingivalis J. WU, X. LIN, and H. XIE, Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, USA |
| 3594 | Histologic effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Bone Remodeling F. GHANAVATI1, R. FEKRAZAD1, K.A. KALHORI2, G. GHOLAMI1, F. GHANAVATI1, and H. RAHIMI3, 1Iran Center for Dental Research, Tehran, Iran, 2Rafsanjan university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran, 3Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA |
| 3595 | Prion Protein in the Developing Mouse Tooth Germ S.O. KIM1, S. OPSAHL VITAL2, K. GILES3, P.K. DENBESTEN3, and Y. ZHANG3, 1Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 2Universite Paris Descartes, Montrouge, France, 3University of California - San Francisco, USA |
| 3596 | Mineral Phases in Forming Enamel E. BENIASH1, R. METZLER2, and P.U.P.A. GILBERT2, 1University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA |
| 3597 | Distribution of tissue modulus in bone matrix changes during maturation D.-G. KIM, A.M. RUMMEL, and S.S. HUJA, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA |
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