website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #269 Saturday, July 5, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 711, Oral
Potential Markers and Clinical Treatments of the Pulp
Chairpersons: P.E. MURRAY and A. JEWETT
2922    Effect of Iontophoresis of 20%Lidocaine through Carious Dentine in Humans
K. SMITAYOTHIN1, K. VONGSAVAN1, P. KRAIVAPHAN2, and N. VONGSAVAN1, 1Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
2923    Heat-Shock Protein Expression as a Measure of Dental Materials Biocompatibility
P.E. MURRAY, and F. GARCIA-GODOY, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA
2924    Ultrasound Induces DMP-1 Isoform Expression in Human Tooth Slice Culture
S. AL-DAGHREER1, M. DOSCHAK1, A. SLOAN2, and T. EL-BIALY1, 1University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2Dental School of Cardiff University, United Kingdom
2925    Direct Cell-to-cell Network in Human Odontoblasts in the Tooth Disk
H. IKEDA, and H. SUDA, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan
2926    NFI-C Protein Expression Associated with Tooth Root Formation
E. LAMANI1, J. DONG1, A.C. ACEVEDO2, and M. MACDOUGALL1, 1University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, 2University of Brasilia, Brazil
2927    NAC prevents pulpal toxicity without affecting esthetic effects of bleaching
A. JEWETT1, A. PARANJPE2, E.C. SUNG2, and W. HUME1, 1University of California - Los Angeles, USA, 2University of California Los Angeles, USA
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