website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #1 Wednesday, July 2, 2008

8:30 AM-4:00 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 711, Hands-on Workshop
Validation Studies of the RDC/TMD: Progress toward Version 2

Sponsored by: Neuroscience / TMJ, International RDC/TMD Consortium Network
Description: The Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD; Dworkin and LeResche, 1992) contained specifications for patient history, clinical examination procedures, instruments for assessing the person in pain, and specific diagnostic criteria for 8 types of TMD common enough to support the development of the first version of the RDC/TMD protocol. At the outset, the goal of the 1992 publication was to foster research sufficient to lead to a stronger empirically-based revision of that protocol. In the ensuing years, the International RDC/TMD Consortium was developed and incorporated into the IADR, simultaneously supporting collaborative TMD studies around the world. More recently, a large multi-site study was funded in order to specifically examine the reliability and validity of the published RDC/TMD and to recommend revisions. This symposium aims to (1) present the research and recommendations from that study, (2) present perspectives on pain and TMD from other studies, (3) foster critical discussion regarding the status and future directions of the published RDC/TMD, and (4) develop, as an outcome, a consensus paper containing specifications for the next version of the protocol, RDC/TMD v2.0. For this full-day symposium, Session 1 (morning) will be comprised of an overview on classification systems for pain disorders followed by presentations by 5 investigators from the NIDCR-funded multi-site Validity Study Group; presentations will focus on the methods and data examining the reliability and validity of the current RDC/TMD protocol and will conclude with recommendations for revisions. Session 2 (afternoon) will be comprised of presentations by other investigators who are active in RDC/TMD research, TMD research not based on the RDC/TMD, and other pain disorder research. This Symposium is aimed at all levels of investigators in that new research questions for the next cycle of RDC/TMD development are expected to emerge from the meeting. Supported by International RDC/TMD Consortium Network, Neuroscience Group, Malmo University Faculty of Odontology, University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and University of Minnesota School of Dentistry.
Chairpersons: R. OHRBACH and P. SVENSSON
0001    Workshop Introduction
R. OHRBACH, University at Buffalo, NY, USA
    Session Introduction
C. GREENE, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
    Overview of Classifciation Systems for TMD and Pain
J.-P. GOULET, University of Laval, Ste-Foy, Canada
    Overview of RDC/TMD Validation Project: Need for a Gold Standard
J.O. LOOK, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
    Proposed Revisions of Algorithms for Myofascial Pain and Arthralgia
E. SCHIFFMAN, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
    Proposed Revisions of Algorithms for Disk Displacements, Arthrosis, and Arthritis
E. TRUELOVE, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
    Coffee Break
    Reliability and Validity of TMJ MRI, CT and Panoramic Images
M. AHMAD, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
    Reliability and Validity of Axis II Biobehavioral Instruments
R. OHRBACH, University at Buffalo, NY, USA
F. LOBBEZOO, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Reaching a consensus for RDC/TMDv2: Using the Delphi Method
M.T. JOHN, University of Leipzig, Germany
    Moderate Discussion
C. GREENE, University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
    Lunch Break (on your own)
    Introduction to Session II: Toward RDC/TMD version 2
P. SVENSSON, University of Aarhus, School of Dentistry, Aarhus c, Denmark
    Nomenclature and Classification of Joint and Muscle Pain
S. PALLA, Zentrum fur Zahn, Mund, und Kieferheilkunde, Zurich, Switzerland
    Nomenclature and Classification of Intra-Articular Disorders
B. STEGENGA, University Hospital of Groningen, Netherlands
    Are Some Forms of Temporalis Tension-type Headaches a Form of TMD?
R. JENSEN, Danish Headache Centre, Glostrup, Denmark
    What You Can and Cannot See in TMJ Imaging
A. PETERSSON, Malmoe University, Faculty of Odontology, Sweden
    Coffee Break
    IMMPACT Recommendations for Clinical Trials: Opportunities for the RDC/TMD
J.A. HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA
    Summing Up: Current Status and Future Relevance of the RDC/TMD
S.F. DWORKIN, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
    Moderate Discussion
P. SVENSSON, University of Aarhus, School of Dentistry, Aarhus c, Denmark
    Closing and Next Steps
R. OHRBACH AND P. SVENSSON, University of Minnesota and University of Aarhus, Buffalo, NY, USA
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