9:00 AM-10:30 AM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 701A, Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored |
Strategic Research Training Initiatives, International Perspectives |
Sponsored by: Education Research, EBDN |
Description: All IADR-divisions/groups seek to raise their level of research through education of new investigators. Retirement patterns and new thrusts in science/technology put pressure on universities to recruit investigators with new skill-sets that can accelerate research in a communications-intensive world. This symposium will address the promise of strategic training programs from an international perspective, beyond traditional discipline-based training. It will emphasize the “added value” of interdisciplinary networks encompassing laboratory and clinical/population research, knowledge-translation, and research-ethics. It will address recruitment of trainees and its impact on downstream recruitment of professorial staff. It will address teaching/communication strategies that span disciplines and encourage national/international collaboration. The speakers are senior investigators in biology, biomaterials, bioengineering and clinical research from three IADR-divisions. They will share “best practices” distilled from experience as directors of government-funded research-training programs:
1) how a national network of investigators has developed a web-based, portable training consortium to promote research careers among dental students (JP Santerre); 2) how to motivate potential young investigators to participate in dental research in a developing region (MFL Navarro); 3) how to approach comprehensive craniofacial research training opportunities (MC Herzberg); 4) how to add value by focusing on interdisciplinary collaboration, national/international networking, the peer review environment, career development, knowledge translation, and ethics (RP Ellen). The symposium should interest all levels of investigator. Those in positions where staff recruitment is crucial are encouraged to participate. We expect a lively exchange of ideas for promoting dental research training, including international cooperation and regional development. The symposium should be a forum for like-minded individuals to establish contact for future collaboration. The educational objectives include: 1. Explore the promise/feasibility of international training consortia 2. Engage the audience in knowledge exchange, goal-setting, and novel research training innovation 3. Emphasize added educational values for the new global research environment |
Chairperson: E. DAVENPORT |
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| A National Network to Promote Research Careers among Dental Students J.P. SANTERRE, University of Toronto, Canada |
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| Discovering and Motivating Potential New investigators for Dental Research in a Developing Region M.F.L. NAVARRO, University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil |
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| Approaches to Comprehensive Craniofacial Research Training in the USA M.C. HERZBERG, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA |
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| International Network, Local Synapse: Added Value in Knowledge Translation, Ethics, Career Development R.P. ELLEN, University of Toronto, Canada |
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