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| 3122 | Surface Energy and Wettability of Dental Polymers J. GALAN JR1, F. NAMEN, Sr.2, and E. FERRANDINI2, 1Veiga de Almeida University -RJ, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, AK, Brazil, 2Veiga de Almeida University-Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
| 3123 | Influence of Home Bleaching on Bond Strength of Dentin Adhesives H.-G. SCHALLER, K.V. BRANDT, K. BEKES, and C.R. GERNHARDT, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany |
| 3124 | Effect of Cross-Linking Agents on Sound and Caries-Affected Dentin Bonding G.V. MACEDO, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, A.B. BEDRAN-RUSSO, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, and M. YAMAUCHI, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA |
| 3125 | Priming dentin with glutaraldehyde affects resin-dentin bond strength R. CILLI, A. PRAKKI, P.A.S. FRANCISCONI, and P.A. ARAÚJO, University of São Paulo - Bauru Dental School, Bauru, SP, Brazil |
| 3126 | Evaluation of Bond Strength with the Immediate Dentinal Sealing Technique N.C. LAWSON, and J. BURGESS, UAB School of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL, USA |
| 3127 | Hemostatic Agent Rinse Time Effect on Composite to Dentin Bonds S.J. MCNALLY, N.S. KIMMES, and W.W. BARKMEIER, Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA |
| 3128 | Bond strength of Epiphany prepared with resinous solvent F.J.A. RACHED-JUNIOR1, A.E. SOUZA-GABRIEL1, E. ALFREDO1, Y.T.C. SILVA-SOUSA1, and M.D. SOUSA-NETO2, 1University of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, 2University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil |
| 3129 | Effect of blood contamination with 2-step self-etching adhesives R.-Y. LIM, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea |
| 3130 | Bond Strength to Oxalate-treated Dentin Saturated with Water versus Ethanol J.C.F. ALMEIDA, M.F. DE GOES, and M.R. CARRILHO, Piracicaba Dental School-UNICAMP, Brazil |
| 3131 | Shear bond strengths of the delayed applications of bonding systems I. YONGPISANPHOP, A. CHALOEMCHOKJAROENKIJ, and D. DUANGTHIP, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand |
| 3132 | GM priming effect on not-decalcified and smear layer-free dentin M. KUSUNOKI, M. OIKAWA, K. ITOH, and H. HISAMITSU, Showa University, Tokyo, Japan |
| 3133 | Effects of Eugenol Concentration in ZOE Provisionals on Bond Strength L. RICKERT, T.J. HILTON, and J.L. FERRACANE, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA |
| 3134 | Bond Strength of Repaired Filling Materials Using Different Repair Procedures F. SALAMA, UNMC College of Dentistry, Omaha, NE, USA |
| 3135 | Shear strength of composites bonded to Er:YAG laser prepared surfaces Y. KORKMAZ1, Y. KILICAL2, N. ATTAR3, and O. BICER3, 1Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, 3Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey |