website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #12 Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2:15 PM-3:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 803A, Oral
Wires for Rotary Instruments, Orthodontic Wires, and Bonding
Chairpersons: W.A. BRANTLEY and A.J. GOLDBERG
0041    Nanomechanical Properties of M-Wire and Superelastic Wires for Rotary Instruments
W. BRANTLEY1, M. IIJIMA2, S. ALAPATI3, W.A.T. CLARK1, J. LIU1, I. MIZOGUCHI2, and W.B. JOHNSON4, 1Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 2Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan, 3Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA, 4SportsWire LLC, Tulsa, OK, USA
0042    Mechanical Properties of New NiTi Wire for Rotary Endodontic Instruments
S. ALAPATI1, R. DRAUGHN1, W. BRANTLEY2, W.A.T. CLARK2, M. IIJIMA3, J. LIU2, and W.B. JOHNSON4, 1Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA, 2Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 3Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan, 4SportsWire LLC, Tulsa, OK, USA
0043    Polyphenylene Orthodontic Wire Properties Unaltered by Thermoforming Conditions
A.J. GOLDBERG, K.A. ECKROTE, and C.J. BURSTONE, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA
0044    Effect of Fluoride on Ni-Ti and Cu-Ni-Ti Archwires- Invivo Study
A. RAMALINGAM, V. KAILASAM, S. PADHMANABAN, and A. CHITHARANJAN, Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India
0045    Orthodontic Bonding to High Copper Amalgam with Different Adhesive Cements
M. ULKER1, S. MALKOC2, H.E. BOTSALI3, M. YALCIN3, and M. MALKOC4, 1Erciyes University, Department of Conservative Dentistry, Kayseri, Turkey, 2Selcuk University, Deparment of Orthodontics, Konya, Turkey, 3Selcuk University, Department of Operative Dentistry, Konya, Turkey, 4Selcuk University, Department of Prosthodontics, Konya, Turkey
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