9:00 AM-10:30 AM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717B, Oral |
Clinical Investigations of Fixed Prosthodontics |
Chairpersons: H. MIURA and R.P. CHRISTENSEN |
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| 1562 |
| Evaluation of CAD/CAM and PFM Crowns Done by the Undergraduates H. KIM, O. KRAVCHUK, and M.H. OKUTAN, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia |
| 1563 |
| Wear of ceramic ballattachments retaining an overdenture: a controlled trial A.E. BÜTTEL1, H. LÜTHY2, and C.P. MARINELLO1, 1University of Basel, Dental school, Switzerland, 2Basel University, Dental school, Switzerland |
| 1564 |
| Clinical Evaluation of All Ceramic FPDs Using Ce-TZP/Al2O3 Nanocomposite H. MIURA, M. MIYASAKA, Y. KIZUKI, and K. NOZAKI, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan |
| 1565 |
| Clinical Evaluation of Indirect, Posterior, Inlay-retained Fiber-reinforced-composite Restorations: 4.5-year Follow-up O. KUMBULOGLU1, M. ÖZCAN2, and A. USER1, 1Ege Universitesi, Izmir, Turkey, 2University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands |
| 1566 |
| Clinical performance of PFM, zirconia, and alumina three-unit posterior prostheses R.P. CHRISTENSEN, K.A. ERIKSSON, and B.J. PLOEGER, TRAC Research Foundation, Provo, UT, USA |
| 1567 |
| Clinical Study on Marginal Fidelity of Temporary Crown Systems J.A. SORENSEN, R. TROTMAN, and P.N. SORENSEN, Pacific Dental Institute, Portland, OR, USA |
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