website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #301 Saturday, July 5, 2008

1:45 PM-3:00 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Behavioral and Psychosocial Issues II
3252  Association between dental anxiety and general anxiety and depression
A. VIINIKANGAS, University of Oulu, Oulu University, Finland, S. LAHTI, University of Oulu, Finland, M. JOUKAMAA, University of Tampere, Finland, R. FREEMAN, University of Dundee, United Kingdom, and G. HUMPHRIS, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
3253  Behavioral Adaptations to Dentine Hypersensitivity: A Qualitative Examination
L.J. HEATON1, A.P. BARLOW2, G. MUELLER1, M. HAGSTROM1, M. HEIMA1, and S.E. COLDWELL1, 1University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 2GlaxoSmithKine, Weybridge, Surrey
3254  Consistency of Yes-Sayer behavior across a range of questions
L. LI1, R. GLUZMAN1, M.Q. WANG2, and R.V. KATZ1, 1New York University College of Dentistry, USA, 2University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, USA
3255  Dental Fear and Subjective Oral Impacts among Adults in Finland
V. POHJOLA1, S. LAHTI1, A.L. SUOMINEN-TAIPALE2, and H. HAUSEN3, 1University of Oulu, Finland, 2National Public Health Institute (KTL), Helsinki, Finland, 3University of Oulu, Oulu University, Finland
3256  Discipline and distinction: sociology, consumerism and oral health
B.J. GIBSON, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, and D. LOCKER, University of Toronto, Canada
3257  Increased Dental Anxiety, Fear & Care Avoidance in Red Heads
C.J. BINKLEY1, E. LIEM1, R. GREGG1, W.P. NEACE2, and D.I. SESSLER3, 1University of Louisville, KY, USA, 2University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT, USA, 3The Cleveland Clinic, OH, USA
3258  Individual and Maternal Determinants of Pre-adolescents' Self-reported Dental Health
A.B. CINAR, and H. MURTOMAA, University of Helsinki, Finland
3259  Is it Anxiety or Pain Experienced by Patients during Scaling?
E. GUZELDEMIR1, H. USLU TOYGAR1, and B. TASDELEN2, 1Baskent University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Mersin University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics, Turkey
3260  Long-term Tolerance of Pregnant Women To Xylitol Chewing Gum
3261  Measuring Readiness to Change Dental Avoidance: "Contemplation Ladder" Pilot Results
T. COOLIDGE, M. HEIMA, E.K. JOHNSON, C.A. RIEDY, and P. WEINSTEIN, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
3262  Perceptions of Enamel Opacities Amongst Adult Patients in Hong Kong
C.J. PAIGE1, S.Y.L. KWAN1, E.C.M. LO2, H. COATES1, and C. FISHER1, 1University of Leeds, United Kingdom, 2University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
3263  Psychosocial factors and dental services utilization among Brazilian low-income children
Y.B.E. MENDES1, M.H.B. PINTO1, J.L.F. ANTUNES2, J.A.C. LAWDER1, A.P.I. LARA1, and M.M.A. SILVA1, 1Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa, Brazil, 2Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
3264  Psychosocial factors in the development of sleep bruxism among children
J.M. SERRA-NEGRA, M.L. RAMOS-JORGE, C. FLORES-MENDONZA, S.M. PAIVA, and I.A. PORDEUS, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
3265  The Prevalence of Psychological Disorders in Patients Seeking Dental Care
J.A. GIGLIO, D. LASKIN, and S. LE, Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, USA
3266  Toothbrushing Habits Associated with Family Culture in Finland
S. HONKALA1, J. TYNJALA2, J. VILLBERG2, and R. VALIMAA2, 1University of Turku, Finland, 2Research Centre for Health Promotion, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland
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