website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #7 Wednesday, July 2, 2008

2:15 PM-3:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 713B, Oral
Chairpersons: E. MOROU-BERMUDEZ and A. VIEIRA
0012    Role of heat and organic matrix on enamel diffusion
L. HUANG, and C.-Y. HSU, National University of Singapore, Singapore
0013    Intra-subject variability of microbial diversity in caries lesions
F. GU1, Z. CHEN2, M.C. PETERS3, E. BRESCIANI3, J.C. FENNO3, and Y. LI2, 1University of NorthCarolina,Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 2New York University College of Dentistry, USA, 3University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
0014    Alkali- and Acid-producing Bacteria Associated with Caries and Health
E. MOROU-BERMUDEZ1, M.M. NASCIMENTO2, E. SUAREZ-PEREZ3, and R.A. BURNE2, 1Univerisity of Puerto Rico School of Dentistry, San Juan, USA, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 3University of Puerto Rico, USA
0015    Diversity and stability of mutans streptococci genotype in children
K.C. CHEON, S.A. MOSER, J.F. WHIDDON, R.C. OSGOOD, S. MOMENI, B. RAHIMA, J.D. RUBY, and N.K. CHILDERS, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
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