9:00 AM-10:30 AM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 713B, Oral |
Diagnostics |
Chairpersons: D. FRIED and N.B. PITTS |
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| 2836 |
| Hidden Dentinal Caries Detection Using a Novel Electrical Impedance Device N.B. PITTS1, C. LONGBOTTOM1, D. RICKETTS1, and A. CZAJCZYNSKA-WASZKIEWICZ2, 1University of Dundee, United Kingdom, 2IDMoS Dental Systems, Dundee, Scotland |
| 2837 |
| Factors Affecting the DIAGNOdent's Ability to Detect Small Occlusal Caries K. MARKOWITZ, D. FURGANG, and D.H. FINE, New Jersey Dental School - UMDNJ, Newark, USA |
| 2838 |
| Determining depths of incipient caries from OCT imaging L.-P. CHOO-SMITH1, P. QIU1, D.P. POPESCU1, M. HEWKO1, C.C.S. DONG2, B.M. CLEGHORN3, and M.G. SOWA1, 1National Research Council Canada, Winnipeg, Canada, 2University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 3Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada |
| 2839 |
| Nondestructive assessment of the inhibition of demineralization with PS-OCT D. FRIED, D. HSU, S. MANESH, and C. DARLING, University of California, San Francisco, USA |
| 2840 |
| Four-dimensional µCT Analysis of Remineralization in Enamel and Root Caries Y. KANRI1, Y. SHIMAZU1, K. SATO1, S. ASADA2, Y. SAEKI3, and T. AOBA1, 1Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan, 2Lotte Co., LTD, Saitama-shi, Japan, 3Lotte Co. Ltd. Central Laboratory, Saitama, Japan |
| 2841 |
| Monitoring of caries lesions in enamel by Terahertz Pulsed Imaging D. CHURCHLEY1, F. LIPPERT1, A. PORTIERI2, and J. ALTON2, 1GlaxoSmithKline, Weybridge, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2TeraView Ltd, Cambridge, United Kingdom |
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