10:45 AM-12:15 PM Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717A, Oral |
Biologic Mechanisms for Craniosynostosis and Cleft Palate |
Chairpersons: N. HATCH and T. DANCIU |
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| 1590 |
| FGF Stimulated PC-1 Expression is regulated by Msx2 and Twist N. HATCH, and R.T. FRANCESCHI, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA |
| 1591 |
| Potential Kinases Regulating the Transcription Factor Twist1 T. DANCIU1, D. HO2, and M. WHITMAN2, 1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 2Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA |
| 1592 |
| Flrt2 Interacts with Fgfr2 During Murine Craniofacial Development K. WEI, and S.-G. GONG, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 1593 |
| Transforming growth factor-beta3 induced apoptosis of osteoblasts S. JAYAPPA1, J. THOENDEL1, A.M. MOURSI2, and S. PREMARAJ1, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA, 2New York University, USA |
| 1594 |
| Function of human TBX22 during chicken facial development N. HIGASHIHORI, M. BUCHTOVA, and J. RICHMAN, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
| 1595 |
| The roles of Tbx22 in craniofacial and palate development Y. LAN, W. LIU, C.E. OVITT, and R. JIANG, University of Rochester, NY, USA |
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