website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #165 Friday, July 4, 2008

10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 717A, Oral
Biologic Mechanisms for Craniosynostosis and Cleft Palate
Chairpersons: N. HATCH and T. DANCIU
1590    FGF Stimulated PC-1 Expression is regulated by Msx2 and Twist
N. HATCH, and R.T. FRANCESCHI, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
1591    Potential Kinases Regulating the Transcription Factor Twist1
T. DANCIU1, D. HO2, and M. WHITMAN2, 1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 2Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
1592    Flrt2 Interacts with Fgfr2 During Murine Craniofacial Development
K. WEI, and S.-G. GONG, University of Toronto, Canada
1593    Transforming growth factor-beta3 induced apoptosis of osteoblasts
S. JAYAPPA1, J. THOENDEL1, A.M. MOURSI2, and S. PREMARAJ1, 1University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA, 2New York University, USA
1594    Function of human TBX22 during chicken facial development
N. HIGASHIHORI, M. BUCHTOVA, and J. RICHMAN, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
1595    The roles of Tbx22 in craniofacial and palate development
Y. LAN, W. LIU, C.E. OVITT, and R. JIANG, University of Rochester, NY, USA
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