website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #61 Thursday, July 3, 2008

10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 713B, Oral
Maxillofacial Reconstruction, Tissue Engineering, Trauma/ Wound Healing
Chairpersons: A. KOLK and X. WANG
0279    Laser therapy enhances wound healing: an experimental study in rats
M. KHADRA1, S.-P. LYNGSTADAAS2, and H.R. HAANES2, 1University of Oslo Dental Faculty, Norway, 2University of Oslo, Norway
0280    BMSCs differentiating into chondrocytes for repairing mandibular condylar cartilage defects
X. WANG, Y. HUANG, X. JIANG, and G. SHEN, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai P.R, China
0281    Internal Transport Distraction for Reconstructing Segmental Defects of the Mandible
H. HIBI, K. KINOSHITA, T. KANAYAMA, W. KATAGIRI, Y. YAMADA, and M. UEDA, Nagoya University, Japan
0282    Osteoinductivity of bioimplants containing rhBMP-7 (OP-1®) and rhBMP-2 (Infuse®)
A. MCNAMARA, T. BARR, C.M. CLOKIE, and S.A. PEEL, University of Toronto, Canada
0283    Hyperbaric oxygen ceramic and resorbable liquid membrane on bone repair
J.M. DAVIS, C. HUMBER, S.A. PEEL, C.M. CLOKIE, and G.K. SANDOR, University of Toronto, Canada
0284    Postoperative Orbital Volume Measurement by MRI
A. KOLK, C. PAUTKE, and E. WIENER, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Technology of Munich, Munich, Germany, Germany
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