website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #220 Friday, July 4, 2008

3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Ceramic Fit, Finish, and Clinical Outcomes
2330  Influence of Automatic Margin Detection on Fit of Zirconia Restorations
G. HERTLEIN, M. KRAEMER, and T. MEURER, 3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany
2331  Accuracy of fit of ceramic-copings cemented with an experimental cement
R. HMAIDOUCH1, M. DANEBROCK2, P. NEUMANN3, and W.-D. MÜLLER1, 1Humboldt-Universitat, Berlin, Germany, 2VOCO GmbH, Cuxhaven, Germany, 3Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
2332  Marginal fit of zirconia FPDs and influence of veneering process
P. KOHORST1, H. BRINKMANN1, J. LI2, L. BORCHERS1, and M. STIESCH-SCHOLZ1, 1Hannover Medical School, Germany, 2Jilin University, Chang Chun City, China
2333  Digitization of crowns with destructive 3D-volume scanning
S. QUAAS1, V. HEROLD2, H. RUDOLPH3, O. SANDKUHL4, and R.G. LUTHARDT1, 1Ulm University, Germany, 2Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany, 3Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Ulm, Germany, 4Inocermic GmbH, Hermsdorf, Germany
2334  Experimental Evaluation of Zirconia Roughness After 5 Different Polishing Methods
S. BORTOLINI1, A. BERZAGHI1, A. NATALI1, L. GRILLI1, M. FRANCHI2, and U. CONSOLO1, 1Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Modena (MO), Italy, 2Universita di Ferrara, Ferrara (FE), Italy
2335  Comparative SEM study of the marginal adaptation
M. BIDAR, Dental ReSearch Center of Mashad University of Medical Sciences, Khorasan, Iran
2336  Marginal accuracy of all-ceramic copings – generated with four systems
S. REICH, O. BOTSIS, P. DELIGIANNIS, S. GOZDOWSKI, and T. REIBER, University of Leipzig, Germany
2337  Effect of the Preparation Angle on the Precision of Zirconia-Crown-Copings
F. BEUER, K. SPIEGL, D. EDELHOFF, and W. GERNET, LMU Munich, Germany
2338  Extended all-ceramic fixed partial dentures - clinical performance after one year
K. MUSSOTTER, P. RAMMELSBERG, B. OHLMANN, O. GABBERT, and M. SCHMITTER, University of Heidelberg, Germany
2339  Surface Roughness of Lithia-disilicate-based Crowns after Two Year of Insertion
K. SUPUTTAMONGKOL, C. TULAPORNCHAI, P. SITHIAMNUAI, and T. EIAMPONGPAIBOON, Mahidol University, Prayathai, Bangkok, Thailand
2340  In vivo Plaque Formation on Zirconia and Feldspathic Ceramic
D. RE, D. AUGUSTI, M. BRASCHI, G. RASPERINI, V. BRUSA, and P. FRANCINETTI, University of Milano, Italy
2341  A Randomised 14-year Clinical Evaluation of 3 Ceramic Inlay Systems
M. MOLIN, Faculty of Medicine, Umea, Sweden, and S. KARLSSON, Nordic Institute of Dental Materials (NIOM), Haslum, Norway
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