website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #34 Thursday, July 3, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 707, Oral
Caries and Periodontal Disease
Chairpersons: T. HEAVEN and C. HILDEBOLT
0141    QLF: Red Fluorescence Monte-Carlo Simulation of Photons in Tooth Tissue
E. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG, Inspektor Research Systems BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, M.H. VAN DER VEEN, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Netherlands, and S.M. HIGHAM, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
0142    Approximal caries detection with a LED based device in vivo
A. BRAUN, A. KAPSALIS, S. JEPSEN, and F. KRAUSE, University of Bonn, Germany
0143    Clinical Performance of DIAGNOdent Pen for Occlusal Caries Detection
K.C. HUTH1, K. NEUHAUS2, M. GYGAX3, K. BÜCHER1, A. CRISPIN1, E. PASCHOS1, R. HICKEL1, and A. LUSSI2, 1University of Munich, Germany, 2University of Bern, Switzerland, 3Private Practice, Zofingen, Switzerland
0144    Dual-Energy Radiography with High and Low Energy Images
T. HEAVEN1, S. WHITE1, D. GAUNTT2, and R. WEEMS1, 1University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, 2X-Ray Imaging Innovations, LLC, Birmingham, AL, USA
0145    Bone Active Periodontitis Treatments: Radiographic Measurement Reliability
C. HILDEBOLT1, R. COUTURE1, N. GARCIA2, D. DIXON3, D.D. MILEY2, C. MUELLER1, E. LANGENWALTER3, L. LOGAN2, W. SHANNON1, C. ANDERSON1, L. RHODES1, S.Y. WALKER1, and R. CIVITELLI1, 1Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, USA, 2Saint Louis University, MO, USA, 3Southern Illinois University, Alton, USA
0146    Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple rRNA Targets in Complex Target Samples
A. POZHITKOV1, R.A. RULE2, T. BEIKLER2, T. FLEMMIG2, and P.A. NOBLE2, 1University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, USA, 2University of Washington, Seattle, USA
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