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| 1035 | Physical Properties of Modern Filling Composites T. NEUMANN, M. DANEBROCK, and R. MALETZ, VOCO GmbH, Cuxhaven, Germany |
| 1036 | A High Filler Loaded Flowable Composite, "CLEARFIL MAJESTY FLOW" Y. KUBOE, H. KITA, Y. OHARA, and Y. TAKAHATA, KURARAY MEDICAL INC, Kurashiki, Japan |
| 1037 | Biaxial Flexural Strength and Modulus of Resin Luting Cements M. GIANNINI1, M. DI FRANCESCANTONIO1, G.M.B. AMBROSANO1, D. METTENBURG2, and F.A. RUEGGEBERG2, 1Dental School of Piracicaba - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA |
| 1038 | Biaxial flexural strength of nanocomposites R. BENEDICT, C. GARCIA-GODOY, M. FEIZ, J. ROTHROCK, F. GARCIA-GODOY, J. SEEBERG, and T. HOTTEL, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA |
| 1039 | Physical Properties of Herculite XRV Ultra Nanohybrid Composite J.C. TAYLOR, and A. KOBASHIGAWA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA |
| 1040 | Mechanical Properties of Titania Nanotube-Polymer Composites C. CHAN1, S.M. KHALED1, G.C. SANTOS JR2, and A.S. RIZKALLA3, 1The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 2University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 3University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada |
| 1041 | Influence of post head design on DTS of composite cores M.J.M.C. SANTOS, Universidade Federal Da Bahia, London, Canada, S. JUMAILY, UWO, London, Canada, O. EL-MOWAFY, University of Toronto, Canada, A. RIZKALLA, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada, and G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, University Western Ontario, London, On, Canada |
| 1042 | Diametral Tensile Strength and Knoop Hardness of Commercial Core Materials A.P. FREITAS, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA BAHIA, London, Canada, S. JUMAILY, UWO, London, Canada, G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, University Western Ontario, London, On, Canada, and A. RIZKALLA, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada |
| 1043 | Influence of Thermocycling on Microhardness of Indirect Resins F.E. TAKAHASHI, P.C. PEREIRA, A.A. CASTILHO, R.O.A. SOUZA, S.M.A. MICHIDA, H.A.M. BARBOSA, and F. GOYATÁ, UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil |
| 1044 | Hardness and Flexural Strength of Direct Restorative and Laboratory-Processed Composites S. PAVAN1, M.R.E. SANTO1, P.H. DOS SANTOS1, E.P. ROCHA2, and W.G. ASSUNÇÃO1, 1Universidade Estadual Paulista, Aracatuba SP, Brazil, 2Sao Paulo State University, Aracatuba SP, Brazil |
| 1045 | Water sorption and solubility of different resin composites F.C.P. GARCIA1, L.M. DE PAULA2, P.M. YAMAGUTI3, E.M. MORELLI1, J.C.F. ALMEIDA4, M.R.O. CARRILHO5, L. WANG6, C.R. MESQUITA7, and V. MACHADO8, 1University of Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil, 2University of Brasília, Brazil, 3University of Brasilia, Brazil, 4Universidade de Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil, 5University of Campinas - Piracicaba School of Dentistry, Brazil, 6Universidade Norte do Paraná, Londrina-PR, Brazil, 7Universidade De Brasilia, Brazil, 8Universidade De Brasilia |
| 1046 | Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) of Temporary Crown and Bridge Materials L. BERGMEIER1, S. HADER1, U. HOHEISEL1, and V. JONES2, 13M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany, 23M, St. Paul, MN, USA |
| 1047 | Fracture Resistance of Temporary Crown and Bridge Materials after Chewing-Simulation S. HADER, U. HOHEISEL, and R. HECHT, 3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany |
| 1048 | Repair Bond Strength of Aged Composites Using Different Bonding Techniques R. HAFEZ, Cairo University, Egypt, E. POLYMERIS, York University, Toronto, Canada, and W. EL-BADRAWY, University of Toronto, Canada |
| 1049 | In vitro evaluation of air bubbles entrapped in composite restorations X.-Y. ZHAO1, H. LU2, W. ZHANG2, S. LEE2, and Y. LI2, 1The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China, 2Loma Linda University, CA, USA |