website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #36 Thursday, July 3, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 716A, Oral
Oral Microbiology I
Chairpersons: A.C. TANNER and K. ISHIHARA
0153    Characterization of Dentipain, a Streptococcus-pyogenes-IdeS-protease homologue in Treponema denticola
K. ISHIHARA1, K. WAWRZONEK2, L.N. SHAW3, S. INAGAKI1, K. OKUDA1, and J. POTEMPA2, 1Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan, 2Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 3University of South Florida, Tampa, USA
0154    EmaA, a Potential Virulence Determinant of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in Endocarditis
G. TANG1, T. KITTEN2, and K.P. MINTZ1, 1University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, 2Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
0155    New Biofilm Model to Evaluate Microbial Colonization on Titanium Surfaces
B. GUGGENHEIM, A. MEIER, P. MÜLLER, and P.R. SCHMIDLIN, University of Zurich, Switzerland
0156    Novel Protein Encoded in the Treponema denticola PrtP Protease Operon
J.C. FENNO, Y. NING, and H. WANG, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
0157    Generation and Characterization of Microcosm Biofilms Modelling Pathogen-Specific Plaques
C.H. SISSONS1, L. WONG1, E.J. LEYS2, A.L. GRIFFEN2, and S.K. FILOCHE1, 1University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand, 2Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
0158    Anaerobic Cultural Microbiota of Severe Early Childhood Caries
A.C. TANNER1, C.V. HUGHES2, R. KENT3, J. JOLIVET1, J. HWANG4, E. KANASI1, M. DAHLAN2, E. PAPADOPOULOU2, S.C. LU1, and F. DEWHIRST1, 1The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA, 2Boston University, MA, USA, 3Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA, 4Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
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