website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #261 Saturday, July 5, 2008

9:00 AM-10:30 AM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 716A, Oral
Oral Microbiology II
Chairpersons: R. WU and G. DIAMOND
2875    Vitamin-D Induction of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes in Gingival Epithelial Cells
G. DIAMOND, S. YIM, K. SCHWARTZ, and E. BROWN, UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School, Newark, USA
2876    Evidence for Considerable Demineralization Potential of Pyruvate Formate-Lyase Generated Acids
T. THURNHEER, H. HOLMES, and R. GMÜR, University of Zurich, Switzerland
2877    Quantitative Organelle Proteomics of Histatin-Treated C. albicans
E. SALIH, E.J. HELMERHORST, W.L. SIQUEIRA, and F.G. OPPENHEIM, Boston University, School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA
2878    Virulence gene expression in covR/vicK mutants of Streptococcus mutans
R.N. STIPP1, R.B. GONÇALVES1, J.F. HOFLING1, D.J. SMITH2, and R.O. MATTOS-GRANER1, 1University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, 2The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA
2880    Isolation of an in vivo protein-complex required for Fap1 glycosyaltion
R. WU, UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA, M. ZHOU, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, and H. WU, UAB School of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL, USA
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