website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #67 Thursday, July 3, 2008

2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Pulp Cell Culture, Odontoblast Differentiation, and Growth Factors
0315  Effect of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Mouse Dental Papilla Cells
L. YE, R. LI, and H. TAN, West China School of Dentistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
0316  Processing of Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein in Dental Pulp Cells
H. WANG1, N. KAWASHIMA2, J. XU2, S. TAKAHASHI2, S. OKUHARA2, T. IWATA3, and H. SUDA2, 1School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China, 2Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan, 3Women's Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
0317  Regulate Pulp Cells Activities by TGF-beta1, BMP-2 and Extracellular Matrix
P.-S. LIN, School of Dentistry & Department of Endodontics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, H.W. YEH, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, J.-H. JENG, School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, and M.-C. CHANG, Chang-Gung Institute of Nursing, Taoyuan, Taiwan
0318  Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 cells
A. WASHIO, C. KITAMURA, M. TERASHITA, and T. NISHIHARA, Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan
0319  Activation of SHH signaling pathway in response to pulp capping
L. ZHANG, M.H. PAN, C. CUI, and Z. CHEN, School and Hospital of Stomatology,Wuhan University, China
0320  BMP-7 activates Smad dependent and Smad independent pathways during dentinogenesis
M. MOUTRAY, A. ANDERSON, K. KALDAHL, M. BEATTY, and A. NAWSHAD, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
0321  Effects of FGF-2 Concentration on Regenerated Dentin Structures
H. ISHIMATSU1, C. KITAMURA1, Y. INUYAMA1, T. MOROTOMI1, T. NISHIHARA1, Y. TABATA2, and M. TERASHITA1, 1Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2Kyoto University, Japan
0322  Effects of Hyaluronic Acid on Rat Pulp Regeneration
Y. INUYAMA1, C. KITAMURA1, H. ISHIMATSU1, T. MOROTOMI1, M. NAGAYOSHI1, T. NISHIHARA2, and M. TERASHITA1, 1Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyusyu, Japan, 2Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan
0324  Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Regulates Odontoblast Proliferation and Differentiation In Vitro
M. KANYAMA, K. SHIMONO, M. ONO, Y. MATSUKA, and T. KUBOKI, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan
0325  Shh Signaling is Related to BMP Signaling in Ameloblast Differentiation
S. TAKAHASHI1, N. KAWASHIMA1, A. NAKATA2, T. KAMEDA2, T. SUGIYAMA2, K.-I. KATSUBE1, and H. SUDA1, 1Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan, 2Akita University School of Medicine, Japan
0326  The relationship between TNF-alpha and RANKL during tooth root formation
F. FUKUHARA, K. MATSUZAKA, S. SENZUI, M. YAKUSHIJI, and T. INOUE, Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan
0327  Immunohistochemical analysis of ALDH and CD44 in pulp stem cells
P. TELLES1, T.M. BOTERO2, S.B.C. TARQUINIO3, and J.E. NOR2, 1Bahiana Foundation for Science Development FBDC, Salvador, Brazil, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, 3Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil
0328  Culturing human dental pulp explants in vitro
P. ASHLEY1, B. KAZMI1, Y. SIVAPRAGASAM1, R.J. WADDINGTON2, and M.P. LEWIS1, 1UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom, 2Cardiff University, Wales
0329  Multi-lineage Differentiation Potential of Pericytes Isolated from Human Dental Pulp
N. ROBERTSON, P.N. TENG, P. HEEMSTRA, T.S. PARK, M. CRISAN, A. LOGAR, B. PÉAULT, and C. SFEIR, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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