website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR
Seq #207 Friday, July 4, 2008

2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E, Poster
Clinical Oral Microbiology
2098  Sugar fermentation in probiotic bacteria – an in vitro study
M. HEDBERG1, P. HASSLOF1, I. SJOSTROM1, S. TWETMAN2, and C. STECKSEN-BLICKS1, 1Umeå University, Sweden, 2University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen N, Denmark
2099  Stannous Fluoride Reduces EPS Production by Oral Biofilm Bacteria
H.J. BUSSCHER1, D.J. WHITE2, G.I. GEERTSEMA-DOORNBUSCH1, J. ATEMA-SMIT1, and H.C. VAN DER MEI1, 1University Medical Center Groningen and University of Groningen, Netherlands, 2The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA
2100  Does pregnancy have an impact on the subgingival microbiota?
L.M. ADRIAENS1, R. ALESSANDRI1, S. SPÖRRI2, and G.R. PERSSON3, 1University of Bern, Berne, Switzerland, 2State Hospital of Fribourg, Switzerland, 3University of Berne, Switzerland
2101  Characterization of Novel Bifidobacteriaceae, Metascardovia criceti and B. tsurumiense
M. OKAMOTO1, K.P. LEUNG2, and N. MAEDA1, 1Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan, 2US Army Dental and Trauma Research Detachment, Great Lakes, IL, USA
2102  Quantitative analysis of Epstein-Barr virus and Periodontopathogens in Periodontitis Sites
J. ZHANG, Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital, South Medical University, Guangzhou, China, and L. QIU, Beijing Stomatological Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, China
2103  Biofilm Formation on the Surface of Dentine Bonding Resins
S.L. ROLLAND1, A.W. WALLS1, S. IMAZATO2, and J.F. MCCABE1, 1Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Osaka University, Japan
2104  Profiling of Dental Plaque Microflora of Root-Caries Lesions
K. HASHIMOTO, T. SATO, H. SHIMAUCHI, and N. TAKAHASHI, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan
2105  Studies on the Relationship between Periodontopathic and Cariogenic Bacteria
D.-Y. LI, M.-F. WANG, and R. FU, Affiliated 9th Hospital , Medical College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2106  A new selective medium for Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans from saliva sample
O. TSUZUKIBASHI, M. FUSE, A. FUKATSU, M. ICHIMURA, M. FUKUMOTO, and M. MAKIMURA, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan
2107  Oral microflora in reconstructive surgery for head and neck cancer
T. SAITO1, Y. HAYASHI1, J. INUBUSHI1, T. EGUCHI1, T. UENO2, Y. OTA2, and N. OHMAGARI2, 1Sunstar Inc, Osaka, Japan, 2Shizuoka Cancer Center Hospital, Japan
2108  Oral Bacterial Microflora Changes in Patients Receiving Bone Marrow Transplantation
W. HASSAN, I. TANIMOTO, H. MAEDA, S. KOKEGUCHI, Y. SOGA, N. SONOI, Y. KOIDE, Y. SUGIURA, and S. TAKASHIBA, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan
2109  Modulation of oral cancer phenotypes by human papillomavirus
N. REDDOUT, A. BUNNELL, S. O'MALLEY, and K. KINGSLEY, University of Las Vegas, NV, USA
2110  A Method Using CRA for Detecting Bacteria with Biofilm-Forming Capabilities
C. MASHIMO1, T. YAMANAKA1, K. ABE1, M. KAMITANI1, T. FURUKAWA1, K. YAMANE1, C. SUGIMORI1, K. YAMAMOTO1, S. MORITA1, K.P. LEUNG2, and H. FUKUSHIMA1, 1Osaka Dental University, Japan, 2US Army Dental and Trauma Research Detachment, Great Lakes, IL, USA
2111  Microbiota of Subgingival and Vaginal infection in Pregnancy
S.C. LU1, A.P. DASANAYAKE2, N. CHHUN2, and A.C. TANNER1, 1The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA, 2New York University, USA
2112  Point-Of-Use Generation of Hypohalites to Remodel Dental Plaque Microcosm Biofilms
M. ASHBY1, C. SISSONS2, L. WONG2, and S. FILOCHE2, 1University of Oklahoma, USA, 2University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand
2113  Isolation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a dental clinic environment
C.S. CALDAS1, J.C. RAMACCIATO1, F.C. GROPPO2, C.D.C. BERGAMASCHI2, and R.H.L. MOTTA1, 1CPO Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil, 2Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil
2114  Linking Plaque and Endotrach Biofilm/Matrix by Structure and Composition
J.G. THOMAS, West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA, D.W. WILLIAMS, Cardiff University, Wales, S. MALIC, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, and W.G. ROWE, School of Dentistry, Cardiff, United Kingdom
2115  DNA Homologous Recombination Proteins for Genetic Manipulations in Bacteria
W. CHEN1, W.S. HO1, Y. WANG2, and R.M. WATT2, 1The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, 2University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2116  Characterization of bacterial profile in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients
D. SAXENA1, N. LACHHMAN1, Y. LI1, P.G. SACKS1, L. CUADRADO2, C.J. BUXÓ2, and D.E. MORSE1, 1New York University College of Dentistry, USA, 2University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, USA
2117  Bacterial Community Shift Assessed by DGGE and Sequence Analysis
Z. CHEN1, H.M. TRIVEDI2, D. SAXENA1, V.M. BARNES2, T. XU2, and Y. LI1, 1New York University College of Dentistry, USA, 2Colgate-Palmolive Technology Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA
2118  Optimizing Bacterial DNA Isolation from Oral Samples
E.L. GROSS, A.L. GRIFFEN, and E.J. LEYS, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
2119  An mRNA-based real-time PCR viability assay for oral bacteria
L.M. SCHAEFFER-KORBYLO, Colgate-Palmolive, Co, Piscataway, NJ, USA, and L. DU-THUMM, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Piscataway, NJ, USA
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